Do you also have an exception for the decorator tag library? The one you have 
in your post is for the
page tag library. Check that you have the struts2-sitemesh-plugin jar in 
WEB-INF/lib because that is
where those tag libraries are. Also check that your web.xml has the appropriate 
elements for





-----Original Message-----
From: Konstantyn Harasevich <>
To: Struts Users Mailing List <>
Sent: Sat, Sep 26, 2009 2:04 pm
Subject: Please Help with struts2 


 When running samples struts 2

 Here is exception relative to this taglib in NetBeans7.1:
 <%@ taglib uri=""; 
prefix="decorator" %>

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /WEB-INF/decorators/main.jsp(26,72) PWC6188: 
The absolute uri: cannot be resolved 
in either web.xml or the jar files deployed with this application

 Do not now reason why this error appear because this is valid url ?



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