Hi there,
my name is Marcelo and I'm new to the list. I use struts for some time and have some projects in it. But I'm in a new situation now. My customer have two different business and he want the same application for both, but detached. This application was developed with Struts2 and Spring (for dependency injection) and the core is the same for both business. It has just some different properties. For example, main database (host, user, pass and schema), sync database (host, user, pass and schema) [our system communicates with another system throw an oracle database that we call sync database], and some minor preferences like application title, some default filters. All these settings are in a properties file for each customer. How do I config struts to load these properties and use in my struts.xml? Is the interceptor a good way to put some of these properties in the ValueStack? Do I need to deploy two times the same application, only changing the properties file? Or is there a way to dynamically select the correct for each http request?

I was thinking about creating a localhost.property, business1.property and business2.property. Creating a symbolic link to my localhost.property I could run the application on development server. And in Ant I could create two targets, one for each business, and the only difference is which file they will copy (business1.property or business2.property).
Is there an easy way to do this?

Thanks for your help and time,

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