Hi all

I have a project to be re-implemented using java which has done by using
Perl CGI.

I have to reuse inner content pages across all the sites to be dynamically
loaded. To be feasible to one shot changes. Perl system using includes from
different file paths and generates the view according to the parameters.

There are more the 250 web sites to be implemented. Each web site is having
there own main template and some static pages. But dynamic pages are reusing
among all the sites to display the site contents.

So I have to place all the common dynamic pages in central location and call
them to each strtus2 application to generate the site content.

Initially I used Sitemesh with struts2 but I felt it is not enough to
implement solution like this. Later I saw Apache Tiles is good for this kind
of page reuse. But I couldn’t find how to load files from central location
to each struts2 application.


If any one how to use struts2 for this kind project and is it feasible to do

How tiles can use to share common templates among different struts2



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