20.10.2009 21:19, Mike Baranski kirjoitti:
> So, I want to ship 2 versions (or more) of my views.
> The will be in 
> /pages/jsps/theme1/x.jsp
> and
> /pages/jsps/theme2/x.jsp
> I want the user to be allowed to set the theme, and my result tag in the xml
> be something like:
> /pages/jsps/{selected_theme}/x.jsp
> Can I do that?

If you do not get anything better from the wiser guys, you could try
something like this in tiles:

     <tiles:insert page="themes/${selected_theme}/x.jsp" />

in your actual x.jsp which is hard wired to the actions.

I don't know if EL works with tiles tags, but well that can be done with
other jsp tags too, I guess. (some @page include or whatever)..


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