Thanks Greg, that does the trick. I am now able to display the validation errors at the top of the form.

Quoting Greg Lindholm <>:

So, fieldErrors is a Map<String, List<String>>, the key is the field name
and the value is a List<String> of messages.

I don't think you can use <s:iterator value="fieldErrors"> directly on a Map
as a Map is not iteratable (check the iterator tag doc [1]).

I think you will need to iterate on either the entry set <s:iterator
value="getFieldErrors().entrySet()"> or the key set <s:iterator

As for %{top}, this gives you the top object on the value stack which inside
the <s:iterator > tag is the current object in the iteration, this is just
short-hand instead of using the var= attribute.

You could try something like this

<s:iterator value="getFieldErrors().entrySet()" var="entry">
     <s:iterator value="#entry.value">
           Field Name = <s:property value="#entry.key"/>
           Message = <s:property value="%{top}"/><br>


On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 4:59 AM, carl ballantyne <> wrote:

Okay that makes sense. Thanks for that!

But your example used a hardcoded fieldname. In order to dynamically loop
the fieldnames and display the errors for each of those fields I have tried:

<s:iterator value="fieldErrors" var="fieldNameErrors">

       <s:iterator value="%{fieldNameErrors}" var="fieldError">

       ERROR1:<s:property value="%{top}"/><br>
       ERROR2 <s:property value="#fieldError"/><br>

But it always outputs the whole list, ie firstname=[You must enter a
firstname1., You must enter a firstname2] and not
You must enter a firstname1
You must enter a firstname2.

%{fieldNameErrors} is being passed as an object to the second iterator and
it is a List. I am a little confused by the whole #fieldNameErrors,
%{fieldNameErros} syntax. And where is %{top} coming from? I don't see
anything in the doc for the tag -


Quoting Greg Lindholm <>:

 There are three buckets for error messages; general errors, general
and field errors.
<s:actionerror /> and <s:actionmessage /> display the general errors and
general messages.
Most validation will product field errors which by default get rendered
beside the field with the error.

You can control how field errors get displayed which is common if you use
the Simple Theme.

Here is a snippet for manually displaying field errors for field 'name' in
this case:

<s:iterator value="fieldErrors['name']">
<tr><td></td><td><span class="errorMessage"><s:property

The object fieldErrors (Map<String, List<String>>) is provided by
ActionSupport [1] via ValidationAwareSupport [2], the key is the field


On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 10:57 AM, carl ballantyne <> wrote:

 Hi Everyone,

I am new to Struts 2 and trying to make the switch from Struts 1.

I cannot figure out how to get the validation to display the
messages/errors in the input form with the use of the s:actionerror or
s:actionmessage tags. It never outputs anything despite the validation
appearing to work.

I have searched and searched and cannot find an example of this anywhere.
simple want the user to be directed back to the form if there are errors
display all errors at the top of the form.

What I have below is displaying field specific error message beside the
field in the form with struts 2 tags ... which is not what I need.

I am using Struts 2.1.8.

I have the following in my jsp.

<s:actionerror />

<s:actionmessage />

<h2>Form with Struts 2 tags.</h2>
<s:form action="simpleAction" validate="true">
      <s:textfield label="firstname" name="firstname"></s:textfield>
      <s:submit label="Save" name="Save"></s:submit>

<h2>Form without Struts 2 tags.</h2>
<form action="<s:url action="simpleAction"/>" method="post">
      <input type="text" name="firstname"><br>
      <input type="submit" value="Save"/>

And my action class:

public class SimpleAction extends ActionSupport {
      static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(SimpleAction.class);

      private String firstname;

      public String getFirstname() {
              return this.firstname;
      public void setFirstname(String firstname) {
              this.firstname = firstname;

      public String execute() throws Exception {

              logger.debug("execute SimpleAction");
              return SUCCESS;


And my struts.xml

<action name="simpleAction" class="com.myapp.action.SimpleAction">
 <result name="success">/WEB-INF/jsp/simpleActionSuccess.jsp</result>
 <result name="input">/WEB-INF/jsp/simpleActionForm.jsp</result>

And my SimpleAction-validation.xml which is in the same directory as the
action class.

<!DOCTYPE validators PUBLIC "-//OpenSymphony Group//XWork Validator
 <field name="firstname">
      <field-validator type="requiredstring">
      <message>You must enter a firstname</message>


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