never mind him, he is a troll, or a bot, or very very stupid, or all of them.

On Sat, Nov 14, 2009 at 9:18 PM, Denis Cabasson
<> wrote:
> Hi Martin,
> I am building a Struts 2 / Spring / Hibernate application, using the JPA
> specification as it seems to be the case here. It is not required to go
> through all the pain of using EJB entities. I am running this application
> both in Websphere and Tomcat, without using the container at all. To me the
> problem is only a JPA / Hibernate problem, and Spring is totally able to
> handle that without having to rely on the container.
> Denis.
> Martin Gainty a écrit :
>> good morning denis
>> i sent chris a summary of working hibernate examples in Glassfish
>> the getReference is a method from Ejb3Configuration
>> the merge method comes from org.hibernate.ejb.AbstractEntityManagerImpl
>> (and implements the sessions merge)
>> whichever app server he will be implementing will have to be configured to
>> serve his specific Bean as an EJBEntity..
>> Glassfish Users list would be more helpful
>> i hope this clarifies Martin Gainty
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>>> Date: Sat, 14 Nov 2009 08:45:46 -0500
>>> From:
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: Hibernate/Spring
>>>  From what you are saying, I would have a look at the :
>>> My best guess is that this would fix your issue. If not, you probably
>>> have an issue with the way you are dealing with your entities.
>>> Denis.
>>> Chris Cranford a écrit :
>>>> I have done a fair amount of reading today on the topic again and
>>>> developed a few simple classes to support my service, model, and dao
>>>> architecture for using Hibernate 3.3.2 and Spring 2 with Struts2.  The
>>>> problem I am currently facing is I get a detached error when deleting
>>>> an object and I get a null pointer exception in when
>>>> I try to locate an object by its id.
>>>> /* */
>>>> public T findById(Object id) {
>>>>  return(getEntityManager().find(clazz, id));
>>>> }
>>>> public void delete(T entity) {
>>>>  getEntityManager().remove(entity);
>>>> }
>>>> Some posts I have seen say for the delete, you should use
>>>> getReference() or merge() in order to get an association to the entity
>>>> before you call the remove() method.  I attempted to use the same type
>>>> of logic with getReference() during the findById() and it failed.
>>>> Am I missing something in my configuration with Hibernate/Spring with
>>>> respect to the session factory or something that I need to revisit?
>>>> It really seems as though I may have a missing component or a poor
>>>> configuration somewhere.
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