Check the doc for property *struts.url.includeParams*  for the version of
struts you are using.
You may want to change it's value to none.

<constant name="struts.url.includeParams" value="none" />

On Sat, Nov 21, 2009 at 12:48 AM, shekher awasthi <
> wrote:

> Hi Friends,
> I am using the url tag as follows:
> <s:url id=*"url"* action=*"InvoiceFrame"*>
> <s:param name=*"invoiceType"*>LocalInvoice</s:param>
> </s:url>
> <s:a href=*"%{url}"*>Local Invoice</s:a>
> The problem is the parameter defined in param tag is getting appended in
> all
> others  urls on the JSP page so affecting other url's implementation.
> Please help me / guide me in resolving this issue.
> Thanks,
> Shekher.

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