In Java Action Bean you would just have to return a specific string that
struts.xml uses.

On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 7:53 PM, Saeed Iqbal <> wrote:

> Instead of programmatically doing it, you can just specify redirect in your
> struts.xml file to the place you want.
> On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 7:49 PM, Nguyen Xuan Son <
>> wrote:
>> dear all
>> im trying to deny any users whose session is not exist, access to my
>> webpage
>> thus im using the source code
>> Map ses = ActionContext.getContext().getSession();
>> if((ses.get("context").toString()=="")&&(ses.get("role").toString()!="admin")){
>>  //redirect to login page
>> }
>> However, i dont know which command should i use to redirect to the login
>> page
>> Please help me
>> Thank you very much
>> --
>> =======================================================================
>> Ritsumeikan University, Asia JinZai Project
>> Master of Information Science
>> Nguyen Xuan Son
>> Add       : Japan, Shiga-Ken, Kusatsu-Shi, Kasayama 3choume 1-18
>> ShiteiHaimu
>> Rien, Room 103
>> Tel/Fax  : 81-(0)90-3976 2246
>> Email    :
>> Mobile   : 81-(0)90-3976 2246          URL  :
>> =======================================================================
> --
> Saeed Iqbal
> Struts - J2EE - Application Architect / Developer

Saeed Iqbal
Struts - J2EE - Application Architect / Developer

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