Hi Cielpa,

'Invalid property' would suggest that your form does not contain the
property searchList. It is difficult to tell without a bit of background and
seeing some code. Can you explain what you are doing and show me your
struts-config.xml file.

By the way, your form should be declared as a DynaValidatorForm. There is no
such thing as a DynaValidatorActionForm. 

For example..

<form-bean name="myForm" type="org.apache.struts.action.DynaValidatorForm">
    <form-property name="searchList" type="java.util.ArrayList"/> 


Cielpa wrote:
> Hey,
> I have a similar problem with DynaValidatorActionForm.
> It says that invalid property when i have a ArrayList in the
> <form-property name="searchList" type="java.util.ArrayList"/> in the
> <form-bean declaration.
> Any idea?
>  Thanks and your help is appreciated.
> Silpa
> hugh111111 wrote:
>> I've got a problem relating to the validation of indexed properties in
>> Struts 1.1
>> I get the following error message when I try to access an ArrayList of
>> students in my DynaValidatorForm
>> root cause 
>> java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 1, Size: 0
>> java.util.ArrayList.RangeCheck(Unknown Source)
>> java.util.ArrayList.get(Unknown Source)
>> org.apache.struts.action.DynaActionForm.get(DynaActionForm.java:298)
>> Here is some background to the problem...
>> In my session I have an ArrayList called studentsList of objects of type
>> experiment.mybeans.Student. A Student object has getter and setter
>> methods for id, year and gradeAverage.
>> In my students.jsp I create a table by iterating through my student
>> objects like this...
>> <c:forEach var="students" items="${sessionScope.group.studentsList}" >
>>   <tr><td><html:text indexed="true" name="students" property="id"/></td>
>>   <td><html:text indexed="true" name="students" property="year"/></td>
>>   <td><html:text indexed="true" name="students"
>> property="gradeAverage"/></td></tr>
>> </c:forEach>
>> As you can see the table contains empty text boxes and I would like to
>> validate these have been filled in, so in struts-config.xml I create my
>> dynavalidatorform as follows...
>> <form-bean name="studentsForm"
>> type="org.apache.struts.validator.DynaValidatorForm" >
>>     <form-property name="students" type="java.util.ArrayList" />
>> </form-bean>
>> And in validation.xml I place my validation rules...
>> <form name="studentsForm"> 
>>    <field property="id" indexedListProperty="students"
>> depends="required">
>>      <arg0 key="error.studentid.required"/>
>>     </field>
>>    <field property="year" indexedListProperty="students"
>> depends="required">
>>      <arg0 key="error.studentyear.required"/>
>>     </field>
>>    <field  property="gradeAverage" indexedListProperty="students"
>> depends="required">
>>      <arg0 key="error.studentgrade.required"/>
>>     </field>
>> </form>
>> Now here is where things start to go a bit pear-shaped
>> I have read somewhere online that I need to populate the form ArrayList
>> before I get to my jsp page. So I have created an action class called
>> PreStudentsAction.java which takes the student ArrayList out of the
>> session and assigns it to the student ArrayList in the form before
>> forwarding to the students.jsp page...
>> public class PreStudentsAction extends Action{
>>      public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping,
>>                       ActionForm form,
>>                       HttpServletRequest request,
>>                       HttpServletResponse response)
>>                       throws Exception
>>      {
>>      DynaValidatorForm myForm = (DynaValidatorForm)form;
>>      Group group = (Group)request.getSession().getAttribute("group");
>>      ArrayList<Student> students = group.getStudentsList();
>>      myForm.set("students", students);       
>>      return (mapping.findForward("success"));
>>      }
>> }
>> Finally when I run my application my table is displayed but when I fill
>> in the table and press submit I get the IndexOutOfBounds error. It
>> appears to me that the student ArrayList in the form remains empty and
>> that my Action class was unsuccessful in populating the form's ArrayList.
>> Can anybody see what I'm doing wrong?

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