Sounds like a good use for javascript , not a struts tag.

On 3/5/10, lucas owen <> wrote:
> Hi Struts users:
> I'm wondering if it is possible to pass a parameter inside a s:submit tag.
> I'm working with the following form (this is just a sketch) on a webpage, in
> which I collect some user data and display a list of elements (let's say
> books):
>           ___________                         ____________
> Name:|___________|         Surname: |____________|
> List of Books:
>           Title
> Author                                            Details
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>            XYZ                                ABC
> <s:submit action="bookDetails" param="bookId">
> ...
> Note: it has to be a submit because if the user enters a name or surname, I
> want it to be displayed when the users comes back from the book details
> page!
> I dont know if this is possible with Struts 2
> Thanks in advance

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