Hi friends,
I am still having the problem, here is the config in my struts-config.xml


<data-source type=*"org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource"*>

<set-property property=*"driverClassName"* value=*"com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"*

<set-property property=*"url"* value=*"jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/db"* />

<set-property property=*"username"* value=*"root"* />

<set-property property=*"maxActive"* value=*"10"* />

<set-property property=*"maxWait"* value=*"5000"* />

<set-property property=*"defaultAutoCommit"* value=*"false"* />

<set-property property=*"defaultReadOnly"* value=*"false"* />



On Sat, Mar 13, 2010 at 4:48 PM, abhishek jain

> Hi friends.
> I am using strurts 1 with mysql and is using the datasource in
> struts-config.xml.
> I am gettting the following errors in my log file,
> Cannot get a connection, pool error Timeout waiting for idle object
> What could be the reason to this error, it seems like this is because of db
> which is mysql in my case,
> Pl. advice, what to do in to remove this error,
> I have searched net and could not find a sol.
> --
> Thanks and kind Regards,
> Abhishek jain

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