I recommend using displaytag for displaying tables in JSP : http://displaytag.sourceforge.net/1.2/

It comes with support for Grouping (see http://displaytag.homeip.net/displaytag-examples-1.2/example-grouping.jsp ) which is the feature you are looking for.

I love displaytag for its ease of use, its clean implemtation which allows for extension if needed, and for its native support for paging / sorting which is pretty much always needed when it comes to long list of data. By using displaytag throughout our application we ensure the consistency of the user experience when it comes to dealing with tables.

Good luck!

Le 2010-04-24 11:39, Thangavel Loganathan a écrit :
Hi !!

am newbie to struts taglib, my requirement is want display the values from
DB in which there many fields includes date,resource_name, time and
etc...... Based on these 3 criteria i want display in table.

i am getting the values from DB with request scope... and am iterating using
<logic:iterate>  taglib, through this tag i can able to display the values
one by one for eache and every row am putting a line to separate...

when come to my requirement based on the date , resource name and time i
want display in one row. for example ,


Date               ResourceName Time

14-12-10             XXX              09:00
                          YYY              01:00
                         ZZ                   05:00


15-12-10           AAA               04:00
                       BBB                 01:00
                        CC                     05:00

Like above want display in jsp......

but am using<logic:iterate>  tagalib ,


Date             ResourceName Time

14-12-10             XXX           09:00
14-12-10             XXX             05:00
14-12-10               YYY           01:00
14-12-10            YYYY        02:00
14-12-10             ZZ              05:00


15-12-10             AAA       04:00
15-12-10              BBB           01:00

Like this am getting in jsp ...... and my jsp code is below ,


<logic:iterate id="item" name="list" type="com.bean.AppoinmentInformation"
     <div class="agenda_date"><bean:write name="item"  property="startDate"
     <div class="agenda_content_container">

     <div class="agenda_content_list">
     <ul class="agenda_content">

     <li class="agenda_schedule_name">
         <div><bean:write name="item"  property="rsc_name"/>  </div>
         <li class="appointment_schedule_info">
             <table class="schedule_list" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
                     <td width="5%">
                     <div class=<bean:write name="item"  property="status"
                     <td width="18%"><bean:write name="item"  property=
"app_st_hr"/>   -<bean:write name="item"  property="app_end_hr"/>
                     <td width="77%">-------<bean:write name="item"
   property="service_name"/>   ***<bean:write name="item"  property=
                     (<bean:write name="item"  property="ctitle_add"
/>   )</td>

     waiting for ur reply........

So i want break the condition and i want to compare two list date and
resource name.....

how to achieve this in<logic:iterate>  or want to use another tag...........

suggest me plz ......

thanks in advance............


Thanks&  Regards,


my skype : thangavel.nathan
gtalk : lthangavel

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