Can you please also provide ActionForm details ?

Is your page like this? (I am not aware abt struts 2 tags)

<form action="someAction">
<s:iterator value="actionItems">
           <td><s:property value="creatorName" /></td>
           <td><s:property value="assignedTo" /></td>
           <td><s:property value="creationDate" /></td>
           <td><s:property value="dueTo" /></td>
           <td><s:property value="externalItemNumber" /></td>
           <td><s:property value="description" /></td>
           <td><s:property value="currentStatus" /></td>
           <td width="100"><s:property value="status"/></td>
           <td>*<s:select name="actionStatus" headerKey=""
                headerValue="Change Status" list="statuses" />*
             <s:hidden name="id"/>
            * <s:submit value="Update" name="update" />*

*One form tag covering s:iterator.*
In that case even if you have one submit button per row, whole form will be
submitted and your actionForm will be populated.


On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 12:42 PM, Jyothi Rajesh <> wrote:

> Not sure about struts 2, but in struts 1.3, there will need to be a
> collection object in the action form and this will need to be instantiated
> while declaring. And there needed to be getters and setters for the entire
> collection as well as inidiviual members with index.


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