Hi All,

I am experiencing some issues with ajax submit with Struts2. I am trying to
do an asynchronous post to an action class that will make a crud call and
return back the html page with the updated input value. I am able to get the
result when posting to form action without using ajax.

<%@ taglib prefix="s" uri="/struts-tags"%>
<%@ taglib prefix="sx" uri="/struts-dojo-tags" %>
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml";>
<s:head theme="ajax" debug="true"/>
<s:div id="updateDiv" theme="ajax">
<s:text name="Welcome : " />
<s:property value="#session['auth'].fullName" />
    <tr><td><s:actionerror/><s:fielderror /></td></tr>

       <s:form name="updateStatus" action="action_item_update"
            <td><s:select name="actionStatus" headerKey=""
                 headerValue="Change Status" list="statuses" />
            <td><s:hidden name="id" /></td>
           <td> <s:submit  theme="ajax" name="update" value="Update"
notifyTopics="/action_item_update" targets="updateDiv"/> </td>
When I remove all ajax related attributes from <s:submit .... /> tag, then
the application is submitted without any issues, but not when using Ajax
submission. On my form, I  see the following:

Action Item List
DEBUG: widget ID collision on ID: action_item_update_update

On submission, I see the following error:

Action Item List
[object Error]
DEBUG: widget ID collision on ID: action_item_update_update
Action Item List
DEBUG: widget ID collision on ID: updateDiv

The form parameters are always null on ajax submit. Can anyone tell me what
I am doing wrong? Any help would be appreciated.

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