
You would need to post your strack trace and where the problem happens.


> Hi.
> I have used the following code with struts 1.2x and it works just fine.
> Now
> I have upgraded to Struts 1.3.10.
> Now I get the following error when I try to login to my Struts app.
> Can anybody point me in the right direction.
> Soren, DK
> The Code:
> package nc.persistence;
> import java.sql.Connection;
> import java.sql.SQLException;
> import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
> import java.sql.DriverManager;
> public class PersistenceFacade {
>   //----------- fields ---------//
>                       public static final String CONNECTION_DRIVER =
> "org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver";
>                       public static final String CONNECTION_USER   =
> "username";
>                       public static final String CONNECTION_PASS   =
> "password";
>                       public static final String CONNECTION_URL    =
> "url";
>                       static {
>     try {
>       Class.forName(CONNECTION_DRIVER);
>     } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
> ex.printStackTrace();
>     }
>                       }
>                       private String connectionUrl  = null;
>                       private String connectionUser = null;
>                       private String connectionPass = null;
>                       //------------ constructors -----------//
>                       //public PersistenceFacade() {}
>                       public PersistenceFacade(HttpServlet servlet) {
>                                             connectionUser =
> servlet.getInitParameter(CONNECTION_USER);
>                                             connectionPass =
> servlet.getInitParameter(CONNECTION_PASS);
>                                             connectionUrl  =
> servlet.getInitParameter(CONNECTION_URL);
>                       }
>                       //------------- public methods -----------//
>                       public Connection getConnection() throws
> SQLException
> {
>                                             if(connectionUser == null) {
>                                                                  throw new
> SQLException("Missing parameter "+CONNECTION_USER);
>                                             } else if(connectionPass ==
> null) {
>                                                                  throw new
> SQLException("Missing parameter "+CONNECTION_PASS);
>                                             } else if(connectionUrl ==
> null)
> {
>                                                                  throw new
> SQLException("Missing parameter "+CONNECTION_URL);
>                                             }
>                                             return
> DriverManager.getConnection(
> connectionUrl,
> connectionUser,
> connectionPass
>                                             );
>                       }
>                       public void closeConnection(Connection conn) {
>     try {
>       if(!conn.isClosed()) {
>         conn.close();
>       }
>     } catch (SQLException ex) {
> ex.printStackTrace();
>     }
>                       }
>                       //------------ private methods ----------//
> }

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