Sorry to jump in so late, but depending on what I'm looking for, I
generally do one of two things. If I am looking at reproducing a bug
(which I haven't been doing much lately) and it would be easier to
reproduce in a web-app, then I will try to update one of the reference
apps (struts2-blank, struts2-showcase) and then run the updated
web-app in my IDE in the debugger. The other option is to create a
test-case using JUnit or something similar to validate the bug and
debug it there.

As far as learning the internals... just like any other significantly
complex system, you just have to spend time grokking through it and it
will eventually make sense. It's much harder to try to learn it all at
once, so pick some piece that you can conceptualize (one of the
interceptors or results for instance) and work through it.


On Wed, May 26, 2010 at 7:22 AM, aum strut <> wrote:
> DO any one have other way to do this job done???
> Please share their ideas
> On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 5:46 PM, aum strut <> wrote:
>> Alex i am some what agree..
>> but i am wondering how the Struts2 Development team is doing this..i am
>> sure they are not following the things as you have mentioned.
>> I am sure that must be some easy way to some one who wants to get knowledge
>> about that internal working structure of struts2
>> id any one have better idea please do share here
>> On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 5:13 PM, Alex Rodriguez Lopez <
>>> wrote:
>>> I use to find it impossible to do this...
>>> Then I started to use Maven, which can be used to download source code and
>>> attach it easily. If you use Eclipse I suggest using M2Eclipse plugin. After
>>> you get a Struts2 based project with Maven2 up and running it should be easy
>>> to do what you want, download sources and javadocs, and start debugging!
>>>  Hi All,
>>>> I am in process to explore internals of Struts2.Can any one suggest me
>>>> how
>>>> can i move ahead.
>>>> All i need to know how framework internally called its different
>>>> component
>>>> and for this i guess i need to download the source code but how and what
>>>> to
>>>> do next i am confused..
>>>> can any one point me to a direction so that i can move ahead.
>>>> Thanks in advance
>>>> -Aum
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Wes Wannemacher

Head Engineer, WanTii, Inc.
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