Dear List members,

When I try to see the HTML page it shows path of images as src="/images/px"

But in web content images folder no such images are created, nor they are
created any where on my disk.

Does this means that their is a bug in Struts 2 that it does not properly
create images required for report for HTML format.

Other formats like pdf, xls work perfectly fine.

Generally where are these images stored??? In temp dir or in tomcat server
or in project dir or somewhere else on disk. Can we change it.

I am trying it very hard but not able to get any solution as images are
created dynamically.

On Sun, Jun 20, 2010 at 4:34 PM, Amol Ghotankar <>wrote:

> Dear List members,
> I have successfully embedded jasper reports with struts 2, thanks to the
> documentation.
> Only major problem that i am facing is when I give format as HTML in xml
> file, the html page opens but the images are not found.
> What can be done so that the path of images will be taken correctly.
> I tried a lot but I am not successful.
> Please help urgently.
> On Sun, Jun 20, 2010 at 2:44 AM, Brian Thompson <>wrote:
>> <img src="<s:property value="%{idOfsUrl}" />" />
>> Brian
>> On Jun 19, 2010 5:01 AM, "Fabio Perfetti" <> wrote:
>> Hi all, before to start, i want say sorry for my bad english.
>> I am developing an easy social network for a university project
>> Every User has an image for the profile.
>> I want to list all friends, and i want display Name, Surname and the
>> image.
>> So i have an action that retrieve the list of friends:
>> public String list() {
>> Utente utente;
>> utente = (Utente) session
>> .get(AuthenticationInterceptor.authenticationSessionField);
>> utenteDao.update(utente.getId());
>> setListaAmici(utente.getListaAmici());
>> System.out.println("total friends: " + listaAmici.size());
>> return SUCCESS;
>> }
>> Now I have a list of Users. So in my jsp:
>> friends : <s:property value="listaAmici.size" />
>> <br />
>> <s:iterator value="listaAmici" var="amico">
>> <s:url value="%{#amico.fotoProfilo.path}" />
>> <img src="" width="200" />
>> <s:property value="#amico.nome" /> <s:property value="#amico.cognome" />
>> </s:iterator>
>> I don't know how do it!
>> The database save the name of the image.
>> Sorry for my bad english.
>> Thanks
>> Fabio

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