Since 'activated' is a String, try swapping your single & double quotes,
<s:if test='%{warning.activated=="Y"}'>


On Sat, Jun 26, 2010 at 11:28 AM, lucas owen <> wrote:

> Hi Struts 2 users:
> I was wondering if you can use a s:if test based on a pojo's
> attribute value:
> public class Warning{
> String text;
> String activated; // Y or N
> }
> JSP:
> <s:if test=*"%{warning==null}"*>
> --> *Warning* null!
> </s:if>
> <s:else>
> --> *Warning* not null!
> --> Activated: <s:property value=*"warning.activated"*/>
> <s:if test=*"warning.activated == 'Y' "*>
> --> *Warning* *activated*.
> </s:if>
> <s:else>
> --> *Warning* *deactivated*.
> </s:else>
> </s:else>
> The first test (check null value) works OK, but the second always goes
> through the else part.
> I have tried test=*"%{warning.activated == 'Y' }" and
> *test=*"%{#warning.activated
> == 'Y' }" *too but it doesnt work either.
> I dont know what is wrong, <s:property value=*"warning.activated"*/> shows
> the value correctly...
> I know I can use an auxiliar boolean variable depending on the value Y/N
> but
> I would like to know why it doesnt work this way.

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