Thanks Greg (and Ken).  I appreciate the comments and will get around to 
updating this code at some point. However I believe these errors to be a 
symptom of a deeper problem as this code WAS - and still is on some servers - 
working. I am also getting other strange errors in code which was previously 
working (such as hibernate PropertyAccessException). I can check out older 
released versions of the app and they still work on the production and 
integration servers but I get these errors (and more) on my development 
machine. I am therefore trying to find out what has changed to produce these 
errors, and why they are only produced in certain environments.

The same versions of OGNL (ognl-2.6.11.jar) is being used in both environments. 
As I said, the exact same war file dropped into works on one server but not on 
another. Further more, it used to work in the environments in which it is now 
broken. There has also been no java/tomcat/etc updates (that I am aware of)  
that could have caused this. I am completely flummoxed by this!
Any further help much appreciated.

On 2 Jul 2010, at 19:46, Greg Lindholm wrote:

> Your basic problem is that having both getEmployee() and isEmployee()
> is a violation of the JavaBeans "standard" so you are asking for
> trouble. The Employee property is not a boolean so you really should
> rename isEmployee() to something else (maybe isTypeEmployee()).  If
> you can't do this then you shouldn't use the OGNL dot style syntax,
> instead use explicit java method call style naming like Ken suggested.
> WRT the upper vs lower case 'E': The correct use is lowercase 'e'.  I
> have heard reports that different versions of OGNL are tolerant of
> different cases but you may be causing it to do extra work and slowing
> down the evaluation of the expression.  Better to just stick with the
> expected leading lowercase letter.
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