The following is in a file called "menu.jspf" 

<%@ page pageEncoding="UTF-8" %>
<%@ taglib prefix="s" uri="/struts-tags" %>
<s:a action="login">Login</s:a>

The html produced is (produces <s:a> tags instead of <a> tags...):
<s:a action="login">Login</s:a

The exact same code is now placed in a file called "menu.jsp" and it
produces (the expected result)...
<a href="/MZWEB/login">Login</a>

I am using Netbeans 6.9 RC2 with Glassfish Prelude... What's causing
this?  I've never used jspf files before, but they have less template
code in them, where the jsp files are templated for a new web page
(meta, head, body...).  So I thought jspf are just "fragments" the exact
same behaviour but made to assemble pages... anyways I see no issue
using jsp files with my tiles but was just wondering what this was

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