Hi folks,

I've just resolved my issue. My goal is to add struts-restful-plugin to an
struts2 existent app. So i needed to have an url handler

If I request http://localhost:8080/myApp/login.action, it must be resolved
by DefaultActionMapper
If I request http://localhost:8080/myApp/service/client/324, it must be
resolved by org.apache.struts2.rest.

So I have in my struts.xml

<constant name="struts.mapper.class"
<constant name="struts.mapper.prefixMapping" value="/service:rest,:struts"/>

Where rest is a bean defined in strus-config.xml (restful plugin) and it is
mapped to org.apache.struts2.rest.RestActionMapper

In my struts.properties


And that's all. I hope it can help to someone having the same problem.
Thanks for everything.

p.d. I'm using struts2.2.1


On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 5:24 PM, Dale Newfield <d...@newfield.org> wrote:

> On 8/31/10 5:17 PM, Rafael Taboada wrote:
>> But I'm having the same problem "HTTP status 404"
> So it is failing to find any valid action mapping?  What do your logs show?
> This might help you figure out what's going on:
> http://struts.apache.org/2.x/docs/config-browser-plugin.html
>  My struts.xml looks like :
>  <include file="example.xml"/>
> I don't know what's in that file--I'm guessing a package with the namespace
> "/example"?  Do you have any packages whose namespace is "/service"?
>  <package name="default" namespace="/" extends="struts-default">
> I've not looked into the details of the plugins you said you're using. Do
> any of them provide packages that you need to extend instead of
> struts-default to get their benefits?
>  <result type="redirectAction">
>> <param name="actionName">HelloWorld</param>
>> <param name="namespace">/example</param>
> So if you try to access /index.action, does it redirect to
> /example/HellowWorld.action ?
>  And when I try to acces
>> http://localhost:8080/struts221/example/HelloWorld.action, apparently it
>> is driven by restful, because it shows "HTTP status 404" error
> Your configuration doesn't specify that this should be mapped by the
> Restful2ActionMapper, so why do you assume this?
>  Maybe i'm missing another config? What am I doing wrong?
> I don't know how the Restful2ActionMapper does it's thing.  When I looked
> at the two provided Restful action mappers several years ago I found that
> neither really did what I needed, so I ended up writing my own.  I've
> actually found that most of what people want when they say they want REST
> style urls can be provided by the default action mapper with wildcards.
>  (Also, make sure that you have SlashesInActionNames set appropriately for
> the rest of your config.)
> http://struts.apache.org/2.x/docs/restfulactionmapper.html and/or
> http://struts.apache.org/2.x/struts2-core/apidocs/org/apache/struts2/dispatcher/mapper/Restful2ActionMapper.htmlshould
>  be helpful.
> -Dale

Rafael Taboada
Software Engineer

Cell : +511-992741026

"No creo en el destino pues no me gusta tener la idea de controlar mi vida"

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