     * Set the field error map of fieldname (String) to Collection of String 
error messages.
     * @param errorMap field error map
    void setFieldErrors(Map<String, List<String>> errorMap);

fieldName would be unique for each assigned IDentifier for the 1st param to the 
Map in setFieldErrors e.g.
did you have something else in mind?
Martin Gainty 
Jogi és Bizalmassági kinyilatkoztatás/Verzicht und 
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> Date: Thu, 16 Sep 2010 04:16:28 -0700
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: Struts 2, Session Management and "WorkFlow".
> Paweł Wielgus wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > Every form needs to have all necessary ids as hidden fields.
> > That way, posting a form will always update appropriate object with
> > appropriate data.
> > 
> Agreed, but how do you check that the hidden ids that come back with the
> submit are the ones that
> you sent in the first place? It's not that hard to use something like
> HttpClient to send malicious POST's
> Paweł Wielgus wrote:
> > 
> > And it's completly unimportant from which tab it will be submited.
> > As for me, user can open 15 tabs and do 15 different things in them
> > simultaneously.
> > Imagine a list of objects with edit links,
> > user opens these edit links in new tabs,
> > and wants to edit and save one by one - why would You dissallow it?
> > In the end HTTP is stateless.
> > 
> I'm not trying to stop them using multiple tabs, I'm trying to ensure that
> they don't walk over each other while they're doing it. Looking at the code
> for MessageStoreInteceptor, for example, I think (and I need to test this)
> it looks like, in a multi-tab environment, you couldn't be sure which tab
> would get any error messages. Tab A submits a form with errors, Tab B
> submits another form, it looks like Tab B could potentially return with
> TabA's error messages - which could be doubly confusing if the activities in
> TabA and TabB were unrelated. Processing multiple tabs simultaneously seems
> to me to be comparable to running multiple threads accessing an
> unsynchronized common resource - the HttpSession.
> Regards
> -- 
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