Hi to all. I'm working on a project using Struts 1.1 because those are
client requirements. I override RequestProcessor and some of it's methods.
like processRoles, processActionPerform, and so on. I want to implement a
logic like Struts 2 Preparable interface, where if you implement in your
Struts 2 Action you implement method prepare() that executes before an
action method is called.

I want to simulate that in Struts 1 so i created a PreparedForm where i
define 2 methods signature: prepareBefore and PrepareAfter. prepareBefore
will execute before action is called and prepareAfter until after action

This is PreparedForm:

public interface PreparedForm {

    public void prepareBefore(HttpServletRequest request);

    public void prepareAfter(HttpServletRequest request);

This is a form that implements PreparedForm:

public class PaisForm extends DefaultActionForm implements PreparedForm {

    private String idpai;
    private String idmon;
    private String nombre;
    private String codigoNomina;

    public void prepareAfter(HttpServletRequest request) {
        //Do stuff after execute action method

    public void prepareBefore(HttpServletRequest request) {
        //Do stuff before execute action method


So, i override processValidate to call here prepareAfter in case that form
validation has errors, but maybe i didn't overrided well the method, this is
my method:

 protected boolean processValidate(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest
                                  ActionForm form,
                                  ActionMapping mapping)
                           throws java.io.IOException,
                                  javax.servlet.ServletException {
boolean resValidacion = super.processValidate(request, response, form,
        //Si se implemento PreparedForm, se llama prepareAfter
        if (form instanceof PreparedForm && !resValidacion)

        return resValidacion;

When i call an action and validate() in this line:

boolean resValidacion = super.processValidate(request, response, form,

returns validation errors, it returns me directly to jsp and doesn't
continue on the next lines and i don't know why.

Thanks in advance.

Oscar Calderón
SCJP 6  <http://javahowto.net>

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