Helllo all,
    I'm using Struts with two packages defined as follow:
<package name="eco-default" extends="json-default">
 <default-action-ref name="root"/>
  <result name="Login" type="tiles">Login</result>
 <action name="root">
  <result type="redirectAction">main/Dashboard</result>
<package name="eco-main" namespace="/main" extends="eco-default">
 <default-action-ref name="Dashboard"/>
 <action name="Dashboard"
  <result type="tiles" >MenuCliente</result>
If I input http://myserver/main/whatever it automatically redirects me
to http://myserver/main/Dashboard The same happens if I input
http://myserver/whatever But if whatever contains a forward slash, I got
problems. For example http://myserver/main/ redirects me to
<http://myserver/main/main/Dashboard> , which is not correct. The same
happens if I go to http://myserver/main/aaa/bbbb . The second case mades
sense, since the namespace /main/aaaa does not exists, so it looks for
the default action in namespace /. and redirects to main/DashBoard,
creating the http://myserver/main/main/Dashboard. How can I make it
redirect that case to http://myserver/main/main/Dashboard
<http://myserver/main/main/Dashboard>  (without using the
http://myserver in the redirection)? And what happens with the first
case? shouldn't that request be redirected to Dashboard,(since there is
a namespaces "/main" with that default action) insted of being
redirected to main/Dashboard. It seems is looking in the namespaces "/"
rather than in the namespaces "/main"

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