Re: Question 1 -

No, you can use other taglibs inside a decorator file.  My user.jsp
(decorator) has the following lines:

<%-- Include struts tag declaration --%>
<%@ include file="/common/taglibs.jsp"%>

<title><decorator:title/> - <s:text name=""/></title>

(it also uses <c:if> in places.  All you need to do is declare the taglib
with e.g.
<%@ taglib uri="/struts-tags" prefix="s" %>

Re: Question 4 -

In my project, I have the filters mapped like this:


Hope this helps,


On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 9:35 AM, Greg Lindholm <>wrote:

> I'm working on my first project that will use sitemesh and have some
> questions on basic configuration with Struts2.
> Info:
> struts 2.2.1
> sitemesh 2.4.1
> My decorators will be JSP files
> I'm looking at the struts2-sitemesh-plugin doc
> Question 1) If I want to access struts2 resources (from the action or
> value stack) and use struts2 tags from the decorator JSP then I need
> to use the sitemesh plugin, is that correct?
> Question 2) Do I need to configure the FreemarkerDecoratorServlet and
> VelocityDecoratorServlet since I'm only using JSP decorators? (I think
> not, but better ask.)
> Question 3) Do I need to configure the JspSupportServlet?  It's listed
> under the Full Integration section with no mapping and no description?
> What does it do?
> Question 4) In the "Example" section of the doc the sitemesh filter
> appears after the two struts filters, is this correct? I was under the
> impression that the sitemesh filter must be declared between the
> struts-prepare and struts-execute filters.  Is this the example wrong?
> Thanks
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