The source code of FileUploadInterceptor is:

if (maximumSize != null && maximumSize < file.length()) {
            String errMsg = getTextMessage(action,
"struts.messages.error.file.too.large", new Object[]{inputName,
filename, file.getName(), "" + file.length()}, locale);


It dose not pass the maximumSize to the message text as a param.

So I think you have to hard code it in your message text.
But I believe it is simple, and not extra coding need.

2010/12/1  <>:
> Before I wrap myself around my own axle, does anyone know a straightforward
> technique for substituting the maximumSize into a message property text
> according to the following scenario.
>        <action name="singleUpload" class="FileUploadAction"
>            method="upload">
>            <interceptor-ref name="fileUpload">
>                <param name="maximumSize">100123</param>
>                <param name="allowedTypes">
>                    image/png,image/x-png
>                </param>
>            </interceptor-ref>
>            <interceptor-ref name="basicStack" />
>            <result name="input">/jsp/SingleUpload.jsp</result>
>            <result>/jsp/Confirm.jsp</result>
>        </action>
> struts.messages.error.file.too.large=File {1} is {3} bytes which exceeds the
> maximum DDDDDD
> I see the value 100123 in the FileUploadInterceptor inside the
> ActionInvocation, but before I write stupid code, I'd like to see if there
> might be a straightforward approach.
> Peace,
> Scott

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