How is the JavaScript implemented in the child action?

And do you mean that an <s:action.../> tag is being used (from a JSP? FM?)
to load an action (the "child" from above)?


On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 4:50 PM, Colin Freas <> wrote:

> On Struts 2.1.6, Dojo and JSON plugins.
> I want to execute some JavaScript after an action's HTML finishes loading.
> I can't figure out how to make this happen consistently.  The action that
> I'm trying to modify is as part of another action.  When I access the child
> action directly, the script runs.  When I access it through the parent
> action, it doesn't.
> There is an attribute "executeScripts" (or similar) set, but...  as near as
> I can tell, the script doesn't get run for some reason.
> So...  what's the best way to ensure that a script gets run when it's
> loaded
> by an action?  Where might this script be stripped or otherwise disabled
> from running?
> Any help appreciated.
> -Colin

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