
Does somebody know what could be happening here?

I have exactly same Struts2 web app deployed in two Tomcats but <s:form> tag
behaves strange in one of them.

Lets explain myself…

The next line of code in my JSP:

<s:form id="masAnunciosListar" action="anunciosListar" namespace="/anuncios"
method="get" theme="simple">

…generates correct html form code in ‘A’ environment:

<form id="masAnunciosListar" name="anunciosListar"
action="/portal/anuncios/anunciosListar" method="get">

…BUT generates wrong html markup in ‘B’ environment, in concrete value of
‘id’ attribute should be ‘anunciosListar’:

<form id="anunciosListar" name="masAnunciosListar"
action="/portal/anuncios/anunciosListar" method="get">

Why ‘id’ and ‘name’ attributes where interchanged in form markup of scenario



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