Did you try my original answer?!


On Wed, Jan 12, 2011 at 10:59 AM, Jose Luis Martinez Avial <
jlmarti...@pb-santander.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
>    I'm using Struts ., and I've found a problem when I use
> result type httpheader and I try to use a header name with a hyphen.
> They don't get sent. For example, the following result definition:
> <result name="mvc.security.authentication.ntlm.solicited"
> type="httpheader">
>    <param name="status">401</param>
>    <param name="headers.WWW-Authenticate">NTLM</param>
>    <param name="headers.a">my header</param>
>    <param name="headers.WWWAuthenticate">NTLM</param>
> </result>
>    I receive the headers "a" and "WWWAuthenticate", but no the header
> "WWW-Authenticate". Is there any way to fix this behaviour?
>    Thanks.
> Jose
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