On Sat, Jan 29, 2011 at 4:49 PM, Dave Evans wrote:

> Would you like to elaborate on what makes it a poor general purpose
> templating language?

XML isn't a templating language, it's a data exchange format. XML is

> The el is easy to read

The EL itself, maybe. JSP, not so much.

> and can handle nested objects, arrays and maps.

What templating language can't?

> Most importantly, since I choose to use it for my web presentation, I'd
> rather not have an entire other spec to keep track of. Why bother?

Because JSP is verbose. And the specs of other templating languages are much

I am thinking about trying to duplicate/re-use/wrap/etc jstl in a
> framework for use in a non-web templates, just trying to find out if
> there is already work being done on this idea. Maybe I'll check in on
> the tomcat user list.

Why not check the stuff I already mentioned? There's a lot of back-end work
to get things into a context that a JSP engine can use, which is why testing
JSP fragments is horrible and is done through a container. Hence Musachy's
work, to avoid that.

But still ew. Why on earth would I want to type this (eschewing c:out):

<c:forEach items="${people}" var="person">

when I could type this?

#for (person in people)


<#list people as person)>

What do you gain from using JSTL? You can shove the same functionality into
a templating engine that has less cognitive overhead.

What do I *lose* from using JSP? Simplicity. Immediate out-of-container
testing. Lighter-weight. Easier. Exists.


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