Today's question actually follows yesterday's suggestion by Dave of
using the preparable interface and is really an
architecture/convention-over-configuration question:

- what do you think about the possibility to override an interceptor by
reassigning it in the configuration? I don't think this is possible, but
the idea would be this:

1. You are using the <interceptor-ref name="defaultStack" />
2. If you define <interceptor name="prepare"    class="xxx" /> before this,
the defaultStack would use xxx instead of the default class.

The usefulness is to be able to use a different implementation of the
interceptor without having to copy-paste te entire stack just to change
this interceptor.

I thought of this while testing. My prepare method has a database call.
Now, I have a MyActionValidationIntegrationTest using
StrutsSpringTestCase where the main interest is to test validation. To
increase speed, I am not interested in the database call. With
<interceptor name="prepare" class="xxx" /> I could simply define a fake
xxx for my tests that didn't invoke the prepare() method.

I believe this also follows the convention-over-configuration pattern:
the default (interceptor) is used unless you redefine it (by writing an
interceptor with the same name)

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