> By clicking the link will display respective page that was developed 
with JSF Facelets technology.
> I am facing problem in integrating struts with JSF.
> Could anyone let me know step by step procedure for integrating Struts 
> with JSF 2.0?

You don't say what your problem is.

As far as running a page with a different technology, which I should think 
is out of scope for this forum, an anchor tag should be sufficient. Just 
link to the other page. You just need to make sure that your web.xml is 
configured correctly for both technologies and that their respective URLs 
allow the servlet container to choose the correct software stack upon 
seeing the URL. For example, I am running Struts1 and Struts2 together. 
One is .do and one is .action, respectively. In the web.xml the one stack 
is called or the other. I've actually made it a tad more complex than 
that, but that's the general idea.

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