On Tue, 2011-05-17 at 14:42 -0700, Jeffrey Black wrote:

> Hey there Miguel.
> Have a look here:
> http://struts.apache.org/2.0.14/docs/type-conversion.html#TypeConversion-GenericsandErasure

Thanks Jb. In my case a possible solution is to remove the generic
reference to the list (ie, changing List<MyInterface> to List). 

This isn't usually necessary because Spring automatically injects the
implementations in non-collection objects (ie, a private SomeInterface
property is automatically injected with whichever bean we defined for
SomeInterface in Spring), but doesn't work with collections (or I
haven't figured out how to configure that in Spring).

Given that an implementation-agnostic solution is preferable, the advice
on the page "instantiate the target implementation first (eg. in a
prepare method) or substitute in an implementation." is not, in my
opinion, preferable.


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