I solve this problem by creatig duplicate tiles.xml (tiles 2 configuration) which will be used by Struts2 and the other tiles-defs by struts1. The other change i have to made is to duplicate my layout.jsp for tiles 2. And then every thing is working fine.

On 24-05-2011 23:29, Sachin Lale wrote:
I might not understand what null definition means. Also i don't want to loose the current flow of struts 1.1 (using TilesPlugin) and also Struts2 to work using old tiles definition. I am using tile 2.2.2 and followed the instructions given on http://tiles.apache.org/framework/migration/configuration.html#Reusing_old_Tiles_configuration_files got NullPointerException org.apache.tiles.definition.dao.CachingLocaleUrlDefinitionDAO.loadDefinitionsFromURLs. So i rename my my tiles-defs.xml fiel to tiles.xml and got the same exception as given below.
org.apache.tiles.impl.InvalidTemplateException: Cannot render a null template
Thanks for help.

Best regards,

On 24-05-2011 00:12, Martin Gainty wrote:
it seems you are supplying a null template definition  e.g.
<%@ taglib uri="http://struts.apache.org/tags-tiles";  prefix="tiles" %>
<definition name="templateDefinition" path="/layout.jsp">
   <put name="title"  value="This is the title." />
   <put name="header" value="header.jsp" />
   <put name="body"   value="body.jsp" />
<!-- To use tiles-plugin, download and add the Tiles jar to your WEB-INF/lib
      directory then uncomment the plugin definition below.

<plug-in className="org.apache.struts.tiles.TilesPlugin" >
<set-property property="definitions-config"
                       value="/WEB-INF/tiles-defs.xml" />s
<set-property property="moduleAware" value="true" />

to implement tiles in struts2.x use org.apache.struts2.tiles.listener.StrutsTilesListener
web.xml would contain

Martin Gainty
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> Date: Mon, 23 May 2011 22:48:01 +0530
> From: sachin.l...@krishagni.com
> To: user@struts.apache.org
> Subject: Upgrading Struts 1.1 to Struts 2 with tiles
> Hi,
> I want to upgrade my application to Struts 2.2.3 from struts 1.1. I want
> to migrate this on shared resource basis i.e. running both Struts1 and
> struts2 in parallel each handling different action extension (*.action
> and *.do). Though i could successfully created the Struts2 action class
> and request is getting routed correctly but i am facing problems with
> re-using struts-tiles. I added below lines in web.xml
> <filter>
> <filter-name>struts2</filter-name>
> <filter-class>org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.FilterDispatcher</filter-class>
> </filter>
> <filter-mapping>
> <filter-name>struts2</filter-name>
> <url-pattern>*.action</url-pattern>
> </filter-mapping>
> <context-param>
> <param-name>org.apache.tiles.impl.BasicTilesContainer.DEFINITIONS_CONFIG</param-name>
> <param-value>/WEB-INF/tiles-defs.xml</param-value>
> </context-param>
> <listener>
> <listener-class>org.apache.tiles.extras.complete.CompleteAutoloadTilesListener</listener-class>
> </listener>
> But it is throwing below action while forwarding request from struts2
> action to tile.
> org.apache.tiles.impl.InvalidTemplateException: Cannot render a null template > org.apache.tiles.renderer.impl.TemplateAttributeRenderer.write(TemplateAttributeRenderer.java:51) > org.apache.tiles.renderer.impl.AbstractBaseAttributeRenderer.render(AbstractBaseAttributeRenderer.java:106) > org.apache.tiles.impl.BasicTilesContainer.render(BasicTilesContainer.java:670) > org.apache.tiles.impl.BasicTilesContainer.render(BasicTilesContainer.java:690) > org.apache.tiles.impl.BasicTilesContainer.render(BasicTilesContainer.java:644) > org.apache.tiles.impl.BasicTilesContainer.render(BasicTilesContainer.java:627) > org.apache.tiles.impl.BasicTilesContainer.render(BasicTilesContainer.java:321) > org.apache.struts2.views.tiles.TilesResult.doExecute(TilesResult.java:105) > org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.StrutsResultSupport.execute(StrutsResultSupport.java:186) > com.opensymphony.xwork2.DefaultActionInvocation.executeResult(DefaultActionInvocation.java:373) > com.opensymphony.xwork2.DefaultActionInvocation.invoke(DefaultActionInvocation.java:277) > com.opensymphony.xwork2.interceptor.DefaultWorkflowInterceptor.doIntercept(DefaultWorkflowInterceptor.java:176) > com.opensymphony.xwork2.interceptor.MethodFilterInterceptor.intercept(MethodFilterInterceptor.java:98) > com.opensymphony.xwork2.DefaultActionInvocation.invoke(DefaultActionInvocation.java:248) > com.opensymphony.xwork2.validator.ValidationInterceptor.doIntercept(ValidationInterceptor.java:263)
> After couple of search i found there is a struts1 -tiles2 plugin
> available but it seems to be compatible with struts1.3.
> Any help or pointer would be helpful.
> Thanks in advance
> Best regards,
> Sachin Lale

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