On Aug 9, 2013, at 4:57 AM, "Wright, Peter" <peter.wri...@six-group.com> wrote:

> Hi Hiranja,
> Great, thanks a lot, now appears to be working correctly!!

That's great. 

I think it would be good to have some syslog mediation support built into 
Synapse. The correct solution is probably to implement a syslog message builder 
and a formatter. There's a long standing jura issue regarding this as well. 
We'll consider this feature for a future release.


> I changed my class mediator to generate the XML as you suggested, and then 
> had to
> include the namespace in the iterate definition and include it in the xpath 
> expression
> before it worked correctly.
> Best regards,
> Peter
> =================================
> 1. XML message returned by my class mediator
> <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?><soapenv:Envelope 
> xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/";><soapenv:Body><text 
> xmlns="http://ws.apache.org/commons/ns/payload";>This is msg number 
> 1</text><text xmlns="http://ws.apache.org/commons/ns/payload";>This is msg 
> number 2</text><text xmlns="http://ws.apache.org/commons/ns/payload";>This is 
> msg number 3</text></soapenv:Body></soapenv:Envelope>
> 2. synapse.xml fragment (iterator definition)
> <iterate id="syslogInterator" preservePayload="false" sequential="true" 
> xmlns:m0="http://ws.apache.org/commons/ns/payload"; expression="//m0:text">
>  <target>
>    <sequence>
>      <send>
>       <endpoint>
>          <address .../>
>        </endpoint>
>      </send>
>    </sequence>
>  </target>
> </iterate>
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Hiranya Jayathilaka [mailto:hiranya...@gmail.com] 
> Sent: Freitag, 9. August 2013 01:54
> To: user@synapse.apache.org
> Subject: Re: Synapse: tcp-listener: handling of multiple syslog messages in 
> one TCP message?
> On Aug 7, 2013, at 4:53 AM, "Wright, Peter" <peter.wri...@six-group.com> 
> wrote:
>> Hi Hiranja,
>> I have now implemented a class mediator that parses the (multiple)
>> syslog plain text messages and makes an XML payload from them.
>> I've also got an iterate mediator that splits the messages and
>> sends them individually as JMS messages to the messaging provider.
>> So far so good...
>> However, the individual JMS messages are now in XML form rather
>> than plain text (with all the XML headers that I don't want).
>> How can I get just the plain text payload to be sent?
>> Thanks
>> Peter
>> =====================
>> 1. Input: Dummy (syslog) message sent to TCP listener (individual messages 
>> separated by NL)
>> 20 This is msg number 1
>> 20 This is msg number 2
>> 20 This is msg number 3
>> 2. SOAP message logged by synapse
>> <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?><soapenv:Envelope 
>> xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/";><soapenv:Body><text
>>  xmlns="http://ws.apache.org/commons/ns/payload";>20 This is msg number 1
>> 20 This is msg number 2
>> 20 This is msg number 3
>> </text></soapenv:Body></soapenv:Envelope>
>> 3. XML message returned by my class mediator
>> <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?><soapenv:Envelope 
>> xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/";><soapenv:Body><syslogMsgs><msg>This
>>  is msg number 1</msg><msg>This is msg number 2</msg><msg>This is msg number 
>> 3</msg></syslogMsgs></soapenv:Body></soapenv:Envelope>
> This should create a message with multiple <text> elements. See the output 
> from step 2 above. It has a single <text> element with all the content. You 
> should break it down to multiple <text> elements. The plain text serializer 
> of Axis2 looks for this specific <text> element when sending plain text 
> messages.
> Pay attention to the namespace (http://ws.apache.org/commons/ns/payload) of 
> the <text> element too. It's also required.
> Thanks,
> Hiranya
>> 4. JMS messages sent to the messaging provider
>> <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><soapenv:Envelope 
>> xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/";><soapenv:Body><msg>This
>>  is msg number 1</msg></soapenv:Body></soapenv:Envelope>
>> <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><soapenv:Envelope 
>> xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/";><soapenv:Body><msg>This
>>  is msg number 2</msg></soapenv:Body></soapenv:Envelope>
>> <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><soapenv:Envelope 
>> xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/";><soapenv:Body><msg>This
>>  is msg number 3</msg></soapenv:Body></soapenv:Envelope>
>> 5. JMS messages that I want to be sent
>> This is msg number 1
>> This is msg number 2
>> This is msg number 3
>> 6. synapse.xml
>> <definitions xmlns="http://ws.apache.org/ns/synapse";>
>>   <proxy name="proxyTcp2Jms" transports="tcp">
>>       <target>
>>           <inSequence>
>>               <!-- Define TCP listener expects plain text (syslog) messages 
>> -->
>>               <property name="messageType" value="text/plain" scope="axis2"/>
>>               <property name="OUT_ONLY" value="true"/>
>>               <property name="TRANSPORT_HEADERS" scope="axis2" 
>> action="remove"/>
>>               <log level="full"/>
>>               <!-- Split any multiple syslog messages for the iterator -->
>>               <!-- and return as XML with child messages               -->
>>               <class name="com.sixtelekurs.classMediators.syslogMsgBuilder">
>>                   <log level="full"/>
>>               </class>
>>               <!-- Iterate over any multiple messages -->
>>               <iterate id="syslogInterator" preservePayload="false" 
>> sequential="true" expression="//msg">
>>                   <log level="full"/>
>>                   <target>
>>                       <sequence>
>>                           <send>
>>                               <endpoint>
>>                                   <address 
>> uri="jms:/cn=sed.finesb.syslog?java.naming.factory.initial=com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory&amp;java.naming.provider.url=MY_LDAP_URL&amp;transport.jms.ConnectionFactoryJNDIName=cn=MY_TCP&amp;transport.jms.DestinationType=topic&amp;java.naming.security.principal=MY_DN&amp;java.naming.security.credentials=MY_PW"/>
>>                               </endpoint>
>>                           </send>
>>                       </sequence>
>>                   </target>
>>               </iterate>
>>           </inSequence>
>>           <outSequence/>
>>           <faultSequence>
>>               <log level="full" category="ERROR" separator=","/>
>>           </faultSequence>
>>       </target>
>>       <parameter name="transport.tcp.port">6060</parameter>
>>       <parameter name="transport.tcp.contentType">text/plain</parameter>
>>   </proxy>
>> </definitions>
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Hiranya Jayathilaka [mailto:hiranya...@gmail.com] 
>> Sent: Freitag, 26. Juli 2013 20:05
>> To: user@synapse.apache.org
>> Subject: Re: Synapse: tcp-listener: handling of multiple syslog messages in 
>> one TCP message?
>> You should probably apply some kind of a content transformation to transform 
>> this payload into a XML payload with multiple "text" elements (one per each 
>> syslog message). But I'm not sure whether traditional techniques like XSLT 
>> and XQuery support that kind of transformations. After all you're trying to 
>> transform based on XML text and not the XML nodes. That's almost always very 
>> difficult.
>> IMO you're better off writing a custom mediator to do this transformation. 
>> Then you can use the iterate mediator to split the message into its 
>> constituents and send to the JMS queue. An even more elegant solution would 
>> be to write a custom message builder that knows how to parse the incoming 
>> batch requests and construct a proper XML payload out of it.
>> Thanks,
>> Hiranya
>> On Jul 26, 2013, at 6:10 AM, "Wright, Peter" <peter.wri...@six-group.com> 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I got synapse working with a TCP-Listener accepting plain text messages
>>> as input, and the messages being sent as JMS messages to IBM Websphere MQ.
>>> Now we're in the test phase with "real" syslog (RFC-5424) data, and I'm 
>>> having a problem
>>> because the TCP listener is receiving multiple syslog messages in one TCP 
>>> message.
>>> The multiple messages are being sent on as one JMS message. The individual
>>> syslog messages are separated by NL and have the message length at the 
>>> start.
>>> Here an example message from my log file with 8 syslog messages:
>>> 2013-07-25T16:12:20,INFO ,mdzhsfesb01,MSGMED,MediatorLog.java:99,To: , 
>>> WSAction: urn:mediate, SOAPAction: urn:mediate, MessageID: 
>>> urn:uuid:1BC21F33F4BAA449111374761227027, Direction: request, Envelope:
>>> <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?><soapenv:Envelope 
>>> xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/";><soapenv:Body><text
>>>  xmlns="http://ws.apache.org/commons/ns/payload";>
>>> 186 &lt;174>1 2013-07-25T16:08:00+02:00 mdzhldos02 DaMon.DAWD 12355 - [meta 
>>> sequenceId="1"] [HEARTBEAT@7410 Type="Heartbeat" timestamp="1374761220" 
>>> telegrams="5522922" BKs="632" LineIDs="441"]
>>> 400 &lt;170>1 2013-07-25T16:09:00+02:00 mdzhldos02 DaMon.DAWD 12355 - [meta 
>>> sequenceId="2"] [Ticket_605@7410 Type="Feed Outage" Status="New" BC="462" 
>>> BK="842" Occured="1374760680" Reported="1374761340" Summary="Outage of BC 
>>> 462 at 2013-07-25 13:58:00 UTC (DAWD on mdzhldos02)" Details="Outage of BC 
>>> 462; BK 842; No Bid/Asks for 11 minutes; Occured: 2013-07-25 13:58:00 UTC; 
>>> Reported by DAWD on mdzhldos02"]
>>> 186 &lt;174>1 2013-07-25T16:09:00+02:00 mdzhldos02 DaMon.DAWD 12355 - [meta 
>>> sequenceId="3"] [HEARTBEAT@7410 Type="Heartbeat" timestamp="1374761280" 
>>> telegrams="6001019" BKs="665" LineIDs="441"]
>>> 186 &lt;174>1 2013-07-25T16:10:00+02:00 mdzhldos02 DaMon.DAWD 12355 - [meta 
>>> sequenceId="4"] [HEARTBEAT@7410 Type="Heartbeat" timestamp="1374761340" 
>>> telegrams="4908793" BKs="612" LineIDs="440"]
>>> 119 &lt;174>1 2013-07-25T16:10:40+02:00 mdzhldos02 DaMon.DAWD 24438 - [meta 
>>> sequenceId="5"] [HEARTBEAT@7410 type="Heartbeat"]
>>> 362 &lt;170>1 2013-07-25T16:11:00+02:00 mdzhldos02 DaMon.DAWD 12355 - [meta 
>>> sequenceId="6"] [Ticket_605@7410 Status="Close" BC="462" BK="(null)" 
>>> Occured="1374761340" Reported="1374761460" Summary="Problem with BC 462 
>>> disappeared at 2013-07-25 14:09:00 UTC (DAWD on mdzhldos02)" 
>>> Details="Problem with BC 462 disappeared at 2013-07-25 14:09:00 UTC (DAWD 
>>> on mdzhldos02)"]
>>> 186 &lt;174>1 2013-07-25T16:11:00+02:00 mdzhldos02 DaMon.DAWD 12355 - [meta 
>>> sequenceId="7"] [HEARTBEAT@7410 Type="Heartbeat" timestamp="1374761400" 
>>> telegrams="6099578" BKs="657" LineIDs="440"]
>>> 186 &lt;174>1 2013-07-25T16:12:00+02:00 mdzhldos02 DaMon.DAWD 12355 - [meta 
>>> sequenceId="8"] [HEARTBEAT@7410 Type="Heartbeat" timestamp="1374761460" 
>>> telegrams="5570590" BKs="613" LineIDs="446"]
>>> </text></soapenv:Body></soapenv:Envelope>
>>> What is the recommended way of handling this? Use the Iterate-Mediator to
>>> split the messages and send them individually? Do I have to use Xpath here,
>>> or is it possible to use e.g. javascript? Any examples would be appreciated.
>>> Thanks for any help,
>>> Peter
>>> The content of this e-mail is intended only for the confidential use of the 
>>> person addressed. 
>>> If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender and delete 
>>> this email immediately.
>>> Thank you.
>> --
>> Hiranya Jayathilaka
>> Mayhem Lab/RACE Lab;
>> Dept. of Computer Science, UCSB;  http://cs.ucsb.edu
>> E-mail: hira...@cs.ucsb.edu;  Mobile: +1 (805) 895-7443
>> Blog: http://techfeast-hiranya.blogspot.com
>> The content of this e-mail is intended only for the confidential use of the 
>> person addressed. 
>> If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender and delete 
>> this email immediately.
>> Thank you.
> --
> Hiranya Jayathilaka
> Mayhem Lab/RACE Lab;
> Dept. of Computer Science, UCSB;  http://cs.ucsb.edu
> E-mail: hira...@cs.ucsb.edu;  Mobile: +1 (805) 895-7443
> Blog: http://techfeast-hiranya.blogspot.com
> The content of this e-mail is intended only for the confidential use of the 
> person addressed. 
> If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender and delete 
> this email immediately.
> Thank you.

Hiranya Jayathilaka
Mayhem Lab/RACE Lab;
Dept. of Computer Science, UCSB;  http://cs.ucsb.edu
E-mail: hira...@cs.ucsb.edu;  Mobile: +1 (805) 895-7443
Blog: http://techfeast-hiranya.blogspot.com

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