Hi Hiranja,

I've rewritten my class mediator to just read the message content according to 
the message lengths,
and changed the log mediator settings as you suggested, but there still appears 
to be a problem.

When a client writes 3 separate messages, opening and closing the TCP 
connection each time, all messages
are received and processed correctly by synapse.
However, when a client opens a TCP connection, writes 3 separate messages, and 
then closes the connection,
only the first message is received and processed correctly by synapse.

My class mediator processes the first message correctly, so it appears(?) to be 
processing and returning
the message content correctly (without blocking), but there are no log entries 
at all for the following

I've attached my various config files and the source code of my class mediator.

Thanks for your help,


2013-09-05T14:14:53,INFO ,mdzhsfesb01,MSGMED,MediatorLog.java:97,To: , 
WSAction: urn:mediate, SOAPAction: urn:mediate, MessageID: 
urn:uuid:B3133E5C6DF9C641551378383293591, Direction: request
,mdzhsfesb01,MSGMED,syslogMsgBuilder.java:171,getSyslogMsgs. Reading msg 1 
 strMsglen = '194'
 intMsglen = 194
 start. readLen=194
 msgContent=[<170>1 2013-09-05T12:14:53.596Z N30094 DaMon - - 
[ignore_330660128@7410@7410 type="MONITORING_DCS_QUEUESTAT" status="Open" 
summary="Summary" details="Details" system="DCS" server="svupdcsus25"] ], 
 no NL found: stop
2013-09-05T14:14:53,INFO ,mdzhsfesb01,MSGMED,syslogMsgBuilder.java:85,Found 1 
message(s). Delete existing payload
 2013-09-05T12:14:53.596Z N30094 DaMon - - [ignore_330660128@7410@7410 
type="MONITORING_DCS_QUEUESTAT" status="Open" summary="Summary" 
details="Details" system="DCS" server="svupdcsus25"] '
2013-09-05T12:14:53.596Z N30094 DaMon - - [ignore_330660128@7410@7410 
type="MONITORING_DCS_QUEUESTAT" status="Open" summary="Summary" 
details="Details" system="DCS" server="svupdcsus25"] </text>'
2013-09-05T14:14:53,INFO ,mdzhsfesb01,MSGMED,syslogMsgBuilder.java:132,Made 1 
,mdzhsfesb01,MSGMED,syslogMsgBuilder.java:136,SOAP.Envelope: <?xml 
version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?><soapenv:Envelope 
2013-09-05T12:14:53.596Z N30094 DaMon - - [ignore_330660128@7410@7410 
type="MONITORING_DCS_QUEUESTAT" status="Open" summary="Summary" 
details="Details" system="DCS" server="svupdcsus25"] 

<definitions xmlns="http://ws.apache.org/ns/synapse";>
    <sequence name="fault">
            <code xmlns:tns="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope"; 
            <reason value="Mediation failed."/>
    <sequence xmlns="http://ws.apache.org/ns/synapse"; name="main" 
            <log level="simple"/>

    <proxy name="proxyTcp2Jms" transports="tcp">
                <!-- Define TCP listener expects plain text (syslog) messages 
                <property name="messageType" value="text/plain" scope="axis2"/>
                <property name="OUT_ONLY" value="true"/>
                <property name="TRANSPORT_HEADERS" scope="axis2" 
                <log level="simple"/>   <!-- simple,headers,full -->

                <!-- Split any multiple syslog messages for the iterator -->
                <!-- and return as XML with child messages               -->
                <class name="com.sixtelekurs.classMediators.syslogMsgBuilder">
                    <!-- <log level="full"/> -->

                <!-- <log level="full"/> -->

                <!-- Iterate over any multiple messages -->
                <iterate id="syslogInterator" preservePayload="false" 
sequential="true" xmlns:m0="http://ws.apache.org/commons/ns/payload"; 
                                <!-- <log level="full"/> -->
            <!-- OUT_ONLY=true
                <log level="simple" category="INFO" separator=","/>
                <log level="simple" category="ERROR" separator=","/>
        <parameter name="transport.tcp.port">6060</parameter>
        <parameter name="transport.tcp.contentType">text/plain</parameter>
        <!-- <parameter name="transport.tcp.backlog">0</parameter> -->

 * Filename:    syslogMsgBuilder.java
 * Author:      P.Wright
 * Date:        06.08.2013
 * Description: Java class for Synapse class mediator.
 *              Class is embedded in Synapse, and called when a SYSLOG message 
is received.
 *              The SYSLOG message can contain 1-n syslog messages, each
 *              separated by a NL, and the length of each message defined
 *              at the start of it. This is called TCP-Framing "octet-counted".
 *              See: http://www.rsyslog.com/doc/omfwd.html
 *              Example input syslog message containing 3 messages
 *              35 <1> This is dummy message number 1\n
 *              35 <2> This is dummy message number 2\n
 *              34 <3> This is dummy message number 3
 *              Example Synapse-SOAP message with 3 syslog messages in the XML 
 *              <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
 *                <soapenv:Envelope 
 *                  <soapenv:Body>
 *                    <text xmlns="http://ws.apache.org/commons/ns/payload";>
 *                      35 &lt;1> This is dummy message number 1\n
 *                      35 &lt;2> This is dummy message number 2\n
 *                      34 &lt;3> This is dummy message number 3
 *                    </text>
 *                  </soapenv:Body>
 *                </soapenv:Envelope>
 *              Actions as follows:
 *              - Get the first element of the message body
 *              - Get a reader to the content of the first element
 *              - Read the msglen
 *              - Read the message according to msglen
 *              - If last character is NOT a '\n', stop reading messages
 *              - If last character IS a '\n', keep going and read next msglen
 *              - Replace any "<" with "&lt;"
 *              - Replace the payload with an XML content with 3 messages (see 
 *              Output message as follows:
 *              <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
 *                <soapenv:Envelope 
 *                  <soapenv:Body>
 *                    <text 
xmlns="http://ws.apache.org/commons/ns/payload";>&lt;1>This is dummy message 
number 1</text>
 *                    <text 
xmlns="http://ws.apache.org/commons/ns/payload";>&lt;2>This is dummy message 
number 2</text>
 *                    <text 
xmlns="http://ws.apache.org/commons/ns/payload";>&lt;3>This is dummy message 
number 3</text>
 *                  </soapenv:Body>
 *                </soapenv:Envelope>
 * Method Overview:
 *              - mediate ("main" method)

package com.sixtelekurs.classMediators;

import java.io.Reader;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.axiom.om.OMElement;
import org.apache.axiom.om.util.AXIOMUtil;
import org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPBody;
import org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPEnvelope;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.synapse.MessageContext;
import org.apache.synapse.Mediator;

public class syslogMsgBuilder implements Mediator
    private static String className = "syslogMsgBuilder";
    private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(syslogMsgBuilder.class);
    private String _desc = null;
    private String _uid = null;

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    public boolean mediate(MessageContext mc)
        String logMsg = "===" + className + ".mediate called=============";

        // Get the message content as an array of strings
        List<String> listSyslogStr = 

        // Delete the existing payload
        logMsg = "Found " + listSyslogStr.size() + " message(s). Delete 
existing payload";
        SOAPBody soapBody = mc.getEnvelope().getBody();
        for (Iterator itr = soapBody.getChildElements(); itr.hasNext();)

        // Traverse the string list, convert each to an XML element
        // and write into the SOAP body
        int msgCnt = 0;
            // Get the syslog msg
            for (String msg : listSyslogStr)
                // Replace all "<" with "&lt;" for XML
                String syslogMsg = msg.replaceAll("<", "&lt;");
                int jj = msgCnt+1;
                logMsg = "syslogMsg." + jj + "='" + syslogMsg + "'";
                String xmlStr = "<text 
                xmlStr += syslogMsg;
                xmlStr += "</text>";

                OMElement xmlElem = AXIOMUtil.stringToOM(xmlStr);
                logMsg = "xmlStr." + jj + "='" + xmlStr + "'";
        catch (Exception e)
            logMsg = "ERROR: " + e;

        if (msgCnt == 0)
            logMsg = "ERROR: no messages processed";

        logMsg = "Made " + msgCnt + " message(s)";

        SOAPEnvelope envelope = mc.getEnvelope();
        logMsg = "SOAP.Envelope: " + envelope;


    class ReturnValues
        String msgString;
        boolean foundNewline;
        ReturnValues(final String msgString, boolean foundNewline)
            this.msgString = msgString;
            this.foundNewline = foundNewline;

    // getSyslogMsgs: traverses the input message
    // and returns any syslog messages as an array
    // of strings in XML form
    private List<String> getSyslogMsgs(OMElement omElem)
        String funcname = "getSyslogMsgs";
        String logMsg = "";

        logMsg = funcname + ". start";

        List<String> syslogMsgs = new ArrayList<String>();
        Reader reader = omElem.getTextAsStream(false);  // pass cache=false

        int msgCnt = 0;
        boolean keepGoing = true;
        while (keepGoing)
            logMsg = funcname + ". Reading msg " + (msgCnt+1) + " 

            // Get the msglen
            int msgLen = readMsgLen(reader);
            if (msgLen <= 0)
                keepGoing = false;
                // Get the message
                ReturnValues retvals = readMsgContent(reader, msgLen);
                if (retvals.msgString.isEmpty())
                    keepGoing = false;

                    // Read any trailing NL
                    if (!retvals.foundNewline)
                        logMsg = funcname + ": no NL found: stop";
                        keepGoing = false;

        // Close the reader
        catch (Exception e)
            logMsg = funcname + ": reader.close failed. " + e;

    // Get the msglen of the syslog message
    // Read characters till a space and convert to an integer
    // Return the int msglen
    private int readMsgLen(Reader reader)
        String funcname = "readMsgLen";
        int intMsglen = 0;
        String logMsg = "";
        String strMsglen = "";

        logMsg = funcname + ". start";

            char[] cBuffer = new char[10];
            int cCnt=0;
            boolean keepGoing = true;
            while (keepGoing)
                // Read one character at a time into the char array
                int rc = reader.read(cBuffer, cCnt, 1);
                if (rc <= 0)
                    keepGoing = false;
                else if (cBuffer[cCnt] != ' ')
                    logMsg = "cBuffer." + cCnt + "=" + cBuffer[cCnt];
                    keepGoing = false;
            if (cCnt > 0)
                // Convert the characters read into a string
                strMsglen = new String(cBuffer, 0, cCnt);
                logMsg = funcname + ": strMsglen = '" + strMsglen + "'";
        catch (Exception e)
            logMsg = funcname + ": error reading msglen" + e;

        if (strMsglen != "")
            // Convert the (string)msglen to an (int)msglen
                intMsglen = Integer.parseInt(strMsglen);
            catch (Exception e)
                logMsg = funcname + ": error converting string '" + strMsglen + 
"' to integer. " + e;
        logMsg = funcname + ": intMsglen = " + intMsglen;

    // readMsgContent --------------------------------------------
    private ReturnValues readMsgContent(Reader reader, int msgLen)
        String funcname = "readMsgContent";
        String msgContent = "";
        boolean nlFound = false;
        String logMsg = "";
        int maxlen = 2048;
        char[] cBuffer = new char[maxlen];
        int  readLen = (msgLen < (maxlen-1) ? msgLen:(maxlen-1));

        logMsg = funcname + ". start. readLen=" + readLen;

        if (msgLen > maxlen-1)
            logMsg = "message too long for buffer (" + msgLen + "/" + 
            ReturnValues retvals = new ReturnValues("", false);

            int rc = reader.read(cBuffer, 0, readLen);
            if (rc <= 0)
                logMsg = funcname + ": error reading msg: " + rc;
                if (rc < readLen)
                    logMsg = "read: IST=" + rc + ", SOLL=" + readLen;

                // Ignore any trailing NL
                if (cBuffer[rc-1] == '\n')
                    nlFound = true;
                    logMsg = "NL read at end of message - ignore it";
                msgContent = new String(cBuffer, 0, rc);
        catch (Exception e)
            logMsg = funcname + ": exception reading msg" + e;
        logMsg = funcname + ": msgContent=[" + msgContent + "], nlFound=" + 

        ReturnValues retvals = new ReturnValues(msgContent, nlFound);

    // SET methods --------------------------------
    public String getDescription()
        String msg = className + ".desc";
    public String getType()
        String msg = className + ".type";
    public int getTraceState()

    // SET methods --------------------------------
    public void setTraceState(int traceState)
        traceState = 0;
    public void setDescription(String desc)
        _desc = desc;
    public void setUid(String uid)
        _uid = uid;

-----Original Message-----
From: Hiranya Jayathilaka [mailto:hiranya...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Freitag, 30. August 2013 19:11
To: user@synapse.apache.org
Subject: Re: Synapse: TCP syslog to JMS proxy: messages only processed in 
synapse after client TCP connection is closed

On Aug 30, 2013, at 5:40 AM, "Wright, Peter" <peter.wri...@six-group.com> wrote:

> Hi Hiranja,
> I've done a series of tests that appear to indicate the problem
> is in the TCP transport.

It's not really a problem in the tcp transport. The issue is exactly what I 
mentioned in my previous mail. That is, Synapse tries to read the input stream 
all the way to the end-of-stream, which causes it to get blocked. In addition 
to your custom mediator, other mediators like <lov level="full"/> also cause 
the same behavior. Basically any mediator that accesses the full message 
payload can cause this problem.

The way I see it, you have only three options at this point:

1. Change your class mediator to not read the message payload to the 
end-of-stream. But you still have to get rid of any other mediators that may 
cause the message to be fully serialized (e.g. <log level="full"/>). Therefore 
this may not be very practical.
2. Write a custom message builder instead of a class mediator. This is probably 
the most architecturally sound approach. However, you must make sure that the 
builder doesn't read the input stream all the way to the end-of-stream. That 
is, it should read the message up to a known delimiter, or read a known number 
of bytes. Otherwise you will have the same problem again.
3. Use HTTP to receive the messages (HTTP protocol handles this type of issues 
using the Content-Length header or the chunked encoding system).

> Here are the steps I did and the results I saw:
> Important: "still the same" means:
> - while the tcp connection is open, there is no reaction from synapse (no log 
> messages etc)
> - only AFTER the connection to the TCP listener has been closed do log 
> messages appear and the syslog messages are processed
> 1. Rewrote my class mediator to use BufferedReader.readLine() -> still the 
> same
> 2. Rewrote my class mediator to simply replace the payload with fixed 
> messages WITHOUT even reading the existing payload -> still the same
> 3. Commented out my class mediator in synapse.xml -> still the same

All the above 3 are mainly due to the other serializing mediators in the 
configuration (e.g. log). Also FYI, changing to the BufferedRead.readLine() 
doesn't make any difference. That is also a blocking I/O call.

> 4. Added transport.tcp.port to the axis2.xml (as well as being in 
> proxyTcp2Jms in synapse.xml) -> error at synapse startup "Error while 
> starting the TCP endpoint. Address already in use"
> 5. As above, but removed the port from proxyTcp2Jms in synapse.xml -> error 
> at synapse startup "Service doesn't have configuration information for 
> transport tcp"
> 6. Defined transport.tcp.port in both files, but with different port numbers 
> (6060 in synapse.xml, 6061 in axis2.xml) -> synapse starts up OK (with two 
> logfile entries):
>   - TCPServer.java:76,TCP server started on port : 6061
>   - TCPServer.java:76,TCP server started on port : 6060
>   -> when I send a syslog message to port 6060 -> still the same
>   -> when I send a syslog message to port 6061 -> error written to logfile 
> immediately: AxisEngine.java:219,The service cannot be found for the endpoint 
> reference (EPR)
> It appears that the TCPserver configured in synapse.xml is blocking until the 
> client closes the connection,
> and the TCPListener configured in axis2.xml is not blocking, but cannot find 
> the proxy definition.

That's not how it works. Messages sent to port 6061 must be dispatched by 
looking at the first element of the SOAP body. In your case it's just a generic 
<text/> element. Therefore Synapse fails to dispatch the message to any proxy 
service. This happens before any of the mediators are invoked. Therefore 
Synapse doesn't get to access the full message payload in this case. Hence it 
fails early in the pipeline, before Synapse gets blocked on I/O.


> The tcp jar file I'm using is this one:
> http://maven.wso2.org/nexus/content/groups/wso2-public/org/apache/axis2/axis2-transport-tcp/1.1.0-SNAPSHOT/axis2-transport-tcp-1.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
> but today also tried this one but saw no difference:
> http://dist.wso2.org/maven2//org/apache/axis2/axis2-transport-tcp/1.1.0-wso2v5/axis2-transport-tcp-1.1.0-wso2v5.jar
> Thanks,
> Peter
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Hiranya Jayathilaka [mailto:hiranya...@gmail.com] 
> Sent: Montag, 26. August 2013 19:44
> To: user@synapse.apache.org
> Subject: Re: Synapse: TCP syslog to JMS proxy: messages only processed in 
> synapse after client TCP connection is closed
> Hi,
> On Aug 26, 2013, at 4:48 AM, "Wright, Peter" <peter.wri...@six-group.com> 
> wrote:
>> Hi Hiranja,
>> No problem. Thanks for the support.
>> Peter
>> ===============================================================
>> /*
>> * Filename:    syslogMsgBuilder.java
>> * Author:      P.Wright
>> * Date:        06.08.2013
>> * Description: Java class for Synapse class mediator.
>> *              Class is embedded in Synapse, and called when a SYSLOG 
>> message is received.
>> *
>> *              The SYSLOG message can contain 1-n syslog messages, each
>> *              separated by a NL, and the length of each message defined
>> *              at the start of it. This is called TCP-Framing 
>> "octet-counted".
>> *              See: http://www.rsyslog.com/doc/omfwd.html
>> *
>> *              Example input syslog message containing 3 messages
>> *              34 <1> This is dummy message number 1
>> *              34 <2> This is dummy message number 2
>> *              34 <3> This is dummy message number 3
>> *
>> *              Example Synapse-SOAP message with 3 syslog messages in the 
>> XML payload:
>> *              <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
>> *                <soapenv:Envelope 
>> xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/";>
>> *                  <soapenv:Body>
>> *                    <text xmlns="http://ws.apache.org/commons/ns/payload";>
>> *                      34 &lt;1> This is dummy message number 1
>> *                      34 &lt;2> This is dummy message number 2
>> *                      34 &lt;3> This is dummy message number 3
>> *                    </text>
>> *                  </soapenv:Body>
>> *                </soapenv:Envelope>
>> *
>> *              Actions as follows:
>> *              - Get the payload
>> *              - Split the payload on NL
>> *              - Remove the msglen at the start of each message
>> *              - Replace any "<" with "&lt;"
>> *              - Replace the payload with an XML content with 3 messages 
>> (see below)
>> *
>> *              Output message as follows:
>> *              <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
>> *                <soapenv:Envelope 
>> xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/";>
>> *                  <soapenv:Body>
>> *                    <text 
>> xmlns="http://ws.apache.org/commons/ns/payload";>&lt;1>This is dummy message 
>> number 1</text>
>> *                    <text 
>> xmlns="http://ws.apache.org/commons/ns/payload";>&lt;2>This is dummy message 
>> number 2</text>
>> *                    <text 
>> xmlns="http://ws.apache.org/commons/ns/payload";>&lt;3>This is dummy message 
>> number 3</text>
>> *                  </soapenv:Body>
>> *                </soapenv:Envelope>
>> *
>> * Method Overview:
>> *              - mediate ("main" method)
>> */
>> package com.sixtelekurs.classMediators;
>> import java.util.Iterator;
>> import org.apache.axiom.om.OMElement;
>> import org.apache.axiom.om.util.AXIOMUtil;
>> import org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPBody;
>> import org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPEnvelope;
>> import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
>> import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
>> import org.apache.synapse.MessageContext;
>> import org.apache.synapse.Mediator;
>> public class syslogMsgBuilder implements Mediator
>> {
>>   private static String className = "syslogMsgBuilder";
>>   private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(syslogMsgBuilder.class);
>>   private String _desc = null;
>>   private String _uid = null;
>>   // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>   public boolean mediate(MessageContext mc)
>>   {
>>       String logMsg = "===" + className + ".mediate called=============";
>>       log.debug(logMsg);
>>       // Get the message content and process it
>>       String syslogStr = 
>> mc.getEnvelope().getBody().getFirstElement().getText();
> I believe this line if the issue. The call to getText() on the 
> OMSourcedElement probably causes it to read the entire input stream until 
> end-of-stream is encountered. But end-of-stream does not occur until the 
> sender closes its output stream at the remote end. 
> I think a proper solution should get the InputStream from the 
> OMSourcedElement and try to read from it until a known number of bytes have 
> been read or a particular delimiter character is encountered. In a case like 
> HTTP, the HTTP message usually have the content-length header or a special 
> delimiter sequence (chunk delimiter) which allows the server to know how much 
> data to read from the input stream without reading all the way to the 
> end-of-stream. In case of TCP transport, there are no special headers to look 
> at, so you must rely on the information available on the message payload it 
> self.
> That's just my take on it. May be there's a better/easier way to solve this 
> problem at Axiom level (perhaps a special method in the OMSourcedElement 
> API?). May be Andreas can shed some light on the matter.
> Thanks,
> Hiranya
>>       logMsg = "syslogStr='" + syslogStr + "'";
>>       log.debug(logMsg);
>>       // Delete the existing payload
>>       logMsg = "Deleting existing payload";
>>       log.debug(logMsg);
>>       SOAPBody soapBody = mc.getEnvelope().getBody();
>>       for (Iterator itr = soapBody.getChildElements(); itr.hasNext();)
>>       {
>>           itr.next();
>>           itr.remove();
>>       }
>>       // Split the strings into N syslog messages, convert each to
>>       // an OMElement, and append to the XML-Body
>>       int msgCnt = 0;
>>       try
>>       {
>>           // Split the string on NL
>>           String[] lines = syslogStr.split("\\n");
>>           logMsg = "syslog.input.cnt(NL)=" + lines.length;
>>           log.debug(logMsg);
>>           for (int ii=0; ii < lines.length; ii++)
>>           {
>>               // Now split on space (once only) to ignore the msglen
>>               String[] msg = lines[ii].split(" ", 2);
>>               if (msg.length == 2)
>>               {
>>                   // Replace all "<" with "&lt;" for XML
>>                   String syslogMsg = msg[1].replaceAll("<", "&lt;");
>>                   int jj = ii+1;
>>                   logMsg = "syslogMsg." + jj + "='" + syslogMsg + "'";
>>                   log.debug(logMsg);
>>                   String xmlStr = "<text 
>> xmlns=\"http://ws.apache.org/commons/ns/payload\";>";
>>                   xmlStr += syslogMsg;
>>                   xmlStr += "</text>";
>>                   msgCnt++;
>>                   // Now add elem
>>                   OMElement xmlElem = AXIOMUtil.stringToOM(xmlStr);
>>                   logMsg = "xmlStr." + jj + "='" + xmlStr + "'";
>>                   log.debug(logMsg);
>>                   soapBody.addChild(xmlElem);
>>               }
>>               else
>>               {
>>                   logMsg = "msg could not be split correctly [" + msg + "]";
>>                   log.error(logMsg);
>>               }
>>           }
>>       }
>>       catch (Exception e)
>>       {
>>           logMsg = "ERROR: " + e;
>>           log.error(logMsg);
>>           return(false);
>>       }
>>       if (msgCnt == 0)
>>       {
>>           logMsg = "ERROR: no messages processed";
>>           log.error(logMsg);
>>           return(false);
>>       }
>>       logMsg = "Made " + msgCnt + " messages";
>>       log.info(logMsg);
>>       SOAPEnvelope envelope = mc.getEnvelope();
>>       logMsg = "SOAP.Envelope: " + envelope;
>>       log.debug(logMsg);
>>       return(true);
>>   }
>>   // SET methods --------------------------------
>>   public String getDescription()
>>   {
>>       String msg = className + ".desc";
>>       return(msg);
>>   }
>>   public String getType()
>>   {
>>       String msg = className + ".type";
>>       return(msg);
>>   }
>>   public int getTraceState()
>>   {
>>       return(0);
>>   }
>>   // SET methods --------------------------------
>>   public void setTraceState(int traceState)
>>   {
>>       traceState = 0;
>>   }
>>   public void setDescription(String desc)
>>   {
>>       _desc = desc;
>>   }
>>   public void setUid(String uid)
>>   {
>>       _uid = uid;
>>   }
>> }
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Hiranya Jayathilaka [mailto:hiranya...@gmail.com] 
>> Sent: Freitag, 23. August 2013 08:30
>> To: user@synapse.apache.org
>> Subject: Re: Synapse: TCP syslog to JMS proxy: messages only processed in 
>> synapse after client TCP connection is closed
>> It sounds like something is trying to read from the input stream until the 
>> end of stream is encountered. This may be the plain text builder or your 
>> custom mediator. Can you share your custom mediator source code so we can 
>> take a look?
>> Thanks,
>> Hiranya
>> On Aug 22, 2013, at 8:27 AM, "Wright, Peter" <peter.wri...@six-group.com> 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have my TCP Syslog --> JMS proxy up and running (see previous emails), 
>>> but now have encountered another problem.
>>> Up till now I have simply tested by using netstat to send 1-n messages 
>>> stored in a file to the TCP server.
>>> In this case, the messages are being received and processed correctly by 
>>> synapse (sent as JMS
>>> messages to the JMS server). It seems that this is working correctly, 
>>> because the connection to the
>>> synapse TCP server is being closed by netstat after it sends the messages.
>>> In my real world case however, we have 1-n clients writing syslog messages 
>>> to a
>>> local syslog server. This syslog server has been configured to send the 
>>> messages on
>>> to the (remote) synapse TCP server. In this case the messages are NOT being 
>>> received
>>> and processed by synapse. Only after the syslog server closes it connection 
>>> to the synapse
>>> TCP server, are the messages being received and processed by synapse.
>>> Any ideas what the problem could be?
>>> Attached again my synapse.xml config file.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Peter
>>> ===============================================
>>> <definitions xmlns="http://ws.apache.org/ns/synapse";>
>>>  <sequence name="fault">
>>>      <makefault>
>>>          <code xmlns:tns="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope"; 
>>> value="tns:Receiver"/>
>>>          <reason value="Mediation failed."/>
>>>      </makefault>
>>>      <send/>
>>>  </sequence>
>>>  <sequence xmlns="http://ws.apache.org/ns/synapse"; name="main" 
>>> onError="fault">
>>>      <in>
>>>          <log level="full"/>
>>>          <send/>
>>>      </in>
>>>      <out>
>>>          <send/>
>>>      </out>
>>>  </sequence>
>>>  <proxy name="proxyTcp2Jms" transports="tcp">
>>>      <target>
>>>          <inSequence>
>>>              <!-- Define TCP listener expects plain text (syslog) messages 
>>> -->
>>>              <property name="messageType" value="text/plain" scope="axis2"/>
>>>              <property name="OUT_ONLY" value="true"/>
>>>              <property name="TRANSPORT_HEADERS" scope="axis2" 
>>> action="remove"/>
>>>              <log level="full"/>
>>>              <!-- Split any multiple syslog messages for the iterator -->
>>>              <!-- and return as XML with child messages               -->
>>>              <class name="com.sixtelekurs.classMediators.syslogMsgBuilder">
>>>                  <log level="full"/>
>>>              </class>
>>>              <log level="full"/>
>>>              <!-- Iterate over any multiple messages -->
>>>              <iterate id="syslogInterator" preservePayload="false" 
>>> sequential="true" xmlns:m0="http://ws.apache.org/commons/ns/payload"; 
>>> expression="//m0:text">
>>>                  <target>
>>>                      <sequence>
>>>                          <send>
>>>                              <endpoint>
>>>                                  <address 
>>> uri="jms:/cn=sed.finesb.syslog?java.naming.factory.initial=com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory&amp;java.naming.provider.url=LDAP_URL&amp;transport.jms.ConnectionFactoryJNDIName=MY_TCF&amp;transport.jms.DestinationType=topic&amp;java.naming.security.principal=MY_DN&amp;java.naming.security.credentials=MY_PASSWD"/>
>>>                              </endpoint>
>>>                          </send>
>>>                      </sequence>
>>>                  </target>
>>>              </iterate>
>>>          </inSequence>
>>>          <outSequence/>
>>>          <faultSequence>
>>>              <log level="full" category="ERROR" separator=","/>
>>>          </faultSequence>
>>>      </target>
>>>      <parameter name="transport.tcp.port">6060</parameter>
>>>      <parameter name="transport.tcp.contentType">text/plain</parameter>
>>>  </proxy>
>>> </definitions>
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>>> Thank you.
>> --
>> Hiranya Jayathilaka
>> Mayhem Lab/RACE Lab;
>> Dept. of Computer Science, UCSB;  http://cs.ucsb.edu
>> E-mail: hira...@cs.ucsb.edu;  Mobile: +1 (805) 895-7443
>> Blog: http://techfeast-hiranya.blogspot.com
>> The content of this e-mail is intended only for the confidential use of the 
>> person addressed. 
>> If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender and delete 
>> this email immediately.
>> Thank you.
> --
> Hiranya Jayathilaka
> Mayhem Lab/RACE Lab;
> Dept. of Computer Science, UCSB;  http://cs.ucsb.edu
> E-mail: hira...@cs.ucsb.edu;  Mobile: +1 (805) 895-7443
> Blog: http://techfeast-hiranya.blogspot.com
> The content of this e-mail is intended only for the confidential use of the 
> person addressed. 
> If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender and delete 
> this email immediately.
> Thank you.

Hiranya Jayathilaka
Mayhem Lab/RACE Lab;
Dept. of Computer Science, UCSB;  http://cs.ucsb.edu
E-mail: hira...@cs.ucsb.edu;  Mobile: +1 (805) 895-7443
Blog: http://techfeast-hiranya.blogspot.com

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