I'm using latest version from Syncope (i.e. 
What I do : * connect to syncope-console with user admin/password. * create a 
user via the console (this apparently works fine - but not so - see later) * 
logout * connect with this new user credentials
I get an Error ! 'Wrong username and/or password'
I tried Syncope 2.0.1, and this scenario works fine.
When activating debugging, I see that the good password for UserTO is set on 
updateModel -> setPassword.But just after that, there's a call to 
AjaxWizardMgtButtonBar.onSubmit which reset password back to null.At the end of 
user creation, the password of the created user is null (that's why I cannot 
login with the newly created user).
I don't know Wicket framework, so I have a hard time finding the culprit.
Can anyone help me please ?

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