
Never mind, I found it. The groovy-script did not like the fact that the 
columns within the external db resource had different names than the attributes 
internally defined to be mapped for the user class itself.

I solved it by aliasing the columns from the external db within the query 
itself to match the provisioning rule.



From: Mikael Ekblom [mailto:mikael.ekb...@arcada.fi]
Sent: torstai 4. toukokuuta 2017 16.51
To: user@syncope.apache.org
Subject: Scripted SQL resource


We have a scripted sql resource set up to fetch data from our HR system. SEARCH 
and SYNC capabilities set. Now, as the lines tells us below, the search is 
returning values to the it-parameter set within the groovy sql eachRow command 
and its closure. The result array seems to be populated.

16:17:02.952 DEBUG Enter: {Uid=Attribute: {Name=__UID__, Value=[4377]}, 
ObjectClass=ObjectClass: __ACCOUNT__, Attributes=[Attribute: {Name=Efternamn, 
Value=[Caspar Klaus Sönvis]}, Attribute: {Name=Fornamn, Value=[Berntzen]}, 
Attribute: {Name=__NAME__, Value=[4377]}, Attribute: {Name=__UID__, 
Value=[4377]}, Attribute: {Name=__ENABLE__, Value=[true]}], Name=Attribute: 
{Name=__NAME__, Value=[4377]}}        Method: handle
16:17:02.952 DEBUG Return: false           Method: handle

But, this is not the case when we try to search and sync from this resource. 
When we do a "Explore" through the resource and try to view the contents for 
this particular connector, only the pre-defined attributes __UID__,__NAME__ and 
__ENABLE__ are visible. The rest of the attributes we set to provision are not 
visible for some reason. I attached an example of this as a .png.

The attributes Efternamn and Fornamn should also be visible but no.

As the log states, it seems to state that Return: false.  Any pullactionhandler 
that we have created will confirm that this operation will not return anything 
but the __UID__,__NAME__ and __ENABLE__
. As such we cannot build the usernames accordingly only via this information.

When we connect to this same resource with a dbtable-configuration everything 
is mapping fine... This will not work in this case though. I first thought that 
do I now have some ISO-8859-1 conversion issue, but this seems not to be the 
case. Not for the Dbtable-resource at least.

Another scripted SQL groovy resource towards the same SQL-server and thus we 
use the same scripted sql bundle version. I set the fetched __UID__values a bit 

16:21:01.956 DEBUG Enter: {Uid=Attribute: {Name=__UID__, Value=[170776-xxxx]}, 
ObjectClass=ObjectClass: __ACCOUNT__, Attributes=[Attribute: {Name=Ort, 
Value=[Sibbo]}, Attribute: {Name=efternamn, Value=[Ekblom]}, Attribute: 
{Name=fornamn, Value=[Mikael]}, Attribute: {Name=Adress, Value=[xxxxxxxxxx]}, 
Attribute: {Name=__NAME__, Value=[170776-xxx]}, Attribute: {Name=__UID__, 
Value=[170776-xxxx]},  Attribute: {Name=__ENABLE__, Value=[true]}, Attribute: 
{Name=personbeteckning, Value=[170776-xxxx]}], Name=Attribute: {Name=__NAME__, 
Value=[170776-xxx]}}            Method: handle
16:21:01.956 DEBUG Return: true            Method: handle

With a similar scripted sql-resource through groovy, everything is visible from 
the built in variables to the other variables stated through the mapping rules. 
Column formats are the same.

The big question is: why is the example above stating Return false and the 
other, similar one, not? Has anyone seen this before? What makes a scripted 
groovy sql resource to return false except for the built in values that must be 

At times like these, you wish that you could pay for support...:)



Mikael Ekblom
Systemutvecklare/System developer
Arcada, IT

Jan-Magnus Janssons plats 1,
FIN-00560 Helsingfors,

TFn: +358 207 699 467
Mobil: +358 207 699 467

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