Hi Adrian,
thanks for sharing your experience.

A couple of things:

1. Fabio and I have been running some performance tests on 2.0.3 and the related improvements are now part of 2.0.4 - it seems there is still some issue with AnyObjects (not with Users nor Groups) in 2.0.4 - see SYNCOPE-1199, but AFAIK Matteo is after it

2. If you plan to run a test with 10 concurrent threads, then the DB thread pool should have at least 10 connections available: despite of the pool library in use, such setting is of fundamental importance


On 24/08/2017 11:27, Adrian Gonzalez wrote:
Thanks Francesco, that's exactly what I need !

> Any special reason to not upgrade to 2.0.4?

The little story is that we have a little locking issue during authentication in Syncope (I didn't pinpointed the cause, could be syncope or our customization or my tests :) ), when calling the /syncope/rest/users/self endpoint from a JMeter test with multiple threads (10).

Digging a bit further, I've seen 2 pbs :
a - inifinite connection timeout in jdbc dataSource settings.
b - locking in db

I was working on a.
It came from the default setting (I can customize it, no pb).
But I've seen you changed the db pool in 2.0.4 and I wanted to give it a try (just for testing purposes). Since 2.0.4 has some db changes and we already have a 2.0.2 in production but *without* any flyway migration scripts, I wanted to see if I could integrate easily the 2.0.4 db pool changes in my 2.0.2.
Hence this mail :)
And I also wanted to know if there was a way to customize the configuration in case I had a more urgent need in the future - so I know how to do it next time :)

I'm switching to work on b now.

Thanks once more, and sorry for the long and boring details :)

*De :* Francesco Chicchiriccò <ilgro...@apache.org>
*À :* user@syncope.apache.org
*Envoyé le :* Jeudi 24 août 2017 9h47
*Objet :* Re: Customizing MasterDomain.xml

On 23/08/2017 18:18, Adrian Gonzalez wrote:

I'm using Syncope 2.0.2.

Any special reason to not upgrade to 2.0.4?


Is there a way to customize MasterDomain.xml in syncope webapp ?

I've the impression that MasterDomain.xml is always loaded from syncope-core-persistence-jpa-*.jar#domains/MasterDomain.xml (in WEB-INF/lib), even if I add a MasterDomain.xml in WEB-INF/classes/domains

As indicated in


(for 2.0.4, naturally), you'll need to tell Spring to load your local domains/MasterDomain.xml rather than the one included in the JAR file.

But domains/MasterDomain.xml is loaded by domains.xml, which in turn is imported by persistenceContext.xml; as a result, you'll need to add to your own project's sources:

* core/src/main/resources/persistenceContext.xml (copy from [1])
* core/src/main/resources/domains.xml (copy from [2])
* core/src/main/resources/domains/MasterDomain.xml (copy from [3])

Even so, Spring will ignore such local files if you don't replace, in core/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml:




(please note the missing '*' before persistenceContext.xml).

FYI, the starting value for contextConfigLocation is set as [4] since 2.0.4.


[1] https://github.com/apache/syncope/blob/syncope-2.0.2/core/persistence-jpa/src/main/resources/persistenceContext.xml
[3] https://github.com/apache/syncope/blob/syncope-2.0.2/core/persistence-jpa/src/main/resources/domains/MasterDomain.xml [4] https://github.com/apache/syncope/blob/syncope-2.0.4/fit/core-reference/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml#L31-L37

Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

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