Hi! I am using [1] "Pull Templates" to sync Users and Groups (standalone, without assigning to users) from LDAP to several REST connectors [2]. I am playing around assigning users to groups (or groups to users) using "Pull Templates" now, but no luck.
What is the correct (simplest) way to assign users to group using REST connector? - Should I use create custom PropagationActions for this? - Should I customize CREATE, UPDATE scripts? - May be I should use some another hooks/actions for this? Thank you in advance for your response! ---- [1] http://syncope.apache.org/docs/reference-guide.html#provisioning-pull [2] http://syncope-user.1051894.n5.nabble.com/Could-Syncope-Automatically-create-new-users-just-came-from-LDAP-in-remote-resource-using-REST-conner-td5709826.html -- Sent from: http://syncope-user.1051894.n5.nabble.com/