
I have :My REST Connector" with corresponding "My Resource" and I
implemented Authenticate groovy script for it.
In Syncope console I attached resource to My Account Policy (Configuration
-> Policies -> Account -> Edit)
I set
- "Max Authentication Attempts" to 0
- "Propagate Suspension" is disabled 
- I selected "My Resource" among Available Passthrough Resources
I attached this "My Account Policy" to "My Realm"

When users from "My REST Connector" use valid username and valid password
all works fine.

But when users  from "My REST Connector" use valid username and INVALID
password one or more times "My Resource"  will be automatically removed by
Syncope from "My Account Policy"  in 3-5 minutes. 

On BE the only error I have is 

Authenticate script didn't return with the __UID__ value.

 I do not return __UID__ because user put wrong password and external server
does not confirm it so I return null from Authenticate groovy script.

I am using Syncope 2.0.8 and net.tirasa.connid.bundles.rest 1.0.2

Thank you in advance for your help!

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