My setup:
I have users who are assigned groups, and the groups have anytime extensions
on them so that when I add a group to a user I have to enter the groups
extended data for that user.

I am trying to persist user data to an external database.  I need to store
the account/user data in one table, which works fine, as all the fields are
in the account object class.  However, I also need to store the groups and
there extended information in a separate table; username, groupname, and
group associated data.  However I seem to be able to only map data from
ACCOUNT or GROUP but not the extension data for the groups.  

The only work around I have been able to find is I can map group information
as long as I call out each group by name (i.e.
memberships[groupname].attribute).  This means for each group and anytime a
group is added I would have to add fields to the mapping as well as updating
the scripts.

Any help would be appreciated.

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