Hello Francesco, thank you for the quick response!
I've done some tests, on a Ubuntu server 23.10, installed from scratch
I've installed openjdk-17-jdk and some support software, like unzip, wget,
x2goserver, etc.
I've create a user "syncope"
# standalone package
- downloaded starting from page
- unzipped the package
$ cd syncope-standalone-3.0.6/apache-tomcat-9.0.84/
$ chmod 755 bin/*.sh
$ bin/startup.sh
Using a browser from the same machine:
http://localhost:9080/syncope: works, swagger page
http://localhost:9080/syncope-console: takes a very long time to respond,
at the end it prints:
Whitelabel Error Page

This application has no explicit mapping for /error, so you are seeing this
as a fallback.
Mon Apr 15 11:58:44 UTC 2024
There was an unexpected error (type=Internal Server Error, status=500).
Same with syncope-wa and syncope-enduser

In logs I've found a lot of errors, on wa.log:
ERROR org.apache.syncope.common.keymaster.client.api.ServiceOps - Could not
register NetworkService{type=WA, address=https://localhost:9443/syncope-wa/}
In fact, port 9443 is not open

# Docker
I've used the the IDM only example; I've set the environment variables:


but it doesn't work. I've changed alle the "https" to "http" in the example
and it worked, I was able to access the console. However, also in this
case, I was unable to download
SAML SP metadata or to upload SAML IDP metadata

# Maven installation (personally I'd prefer to use this one)
Following the documentation I did:

$ mvn archetype:generate \
    -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.syncope \
    -DarchetypeArtifactId=syncope-archetype \
    -DarchetypeRepository=https://repo1.maven.org/maven2 \

$ cd syncope01
$ mvn clean install

$ mvn clean verify
$ mkdir /opt/syncope/conf
$ cp core/target/classes/*properties /opt/syncope/conf
$ cp console/target/classes/*properties /opt/syncope/conf
$ cp enduser/target/classes/*properties /opt/syncope/conf
$ cp enduser/target/classes/*json /opt/syncope/conf
$ cp wa/target/classes/*properties /opt/syncope/conf
$ cp sra/target/classes/*properties /opt/syncope/conf
Then in every *.properties files I've added, at the end of the file:


$ mkdir /opt/syncope/bundles
$ cp core/target/bundles/* /opt/syncope/bundles/

Then I've installed postgres, created a db named syncope, owned by user syncope

Then I've downloaded and unpacked apache-tomcat-9.0.87.tar.gz, and in

I've created the file setenv.sh with the following content:

JAVA_OPTS="-Djava.awt.headless=true -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -server
-Dsyncope.log.dir=/opt/syncope/log -Dwicket.ioc.useByteBuddy=true
-Xms1536m -Xmx1536m -XX:NewSize=256m -XX:MaxNewSize=256m
-XX:+DisableExplicitGC -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom

and permission 755

then I've copied the war files:


After launching bin/startup.sh the applications don't start at all (I
suppose because core is unable to start)

If I build the embedded version, everything works perfectly


I'm sorry for the long post; I've included everything just in case
there was something to review in the documentation
However, I suppose I'm doing something wrong; about the maven
installation, is there a step by step guide that permits

a fully working syncope version ?

Or is there's any suggestion on what I should fix on my installation procedure ?

Thank you


Il giorno gio 11 apr 2024 alle ore 14:26 Francesco Chicchiriccò <
ilgro...@apache.org> ha scritto:

> On 11/04/24 14:12, Marco Naimoli wrote:
> > Hello, I'm new to Apache Syncope; I've tried to test it using the
> standalone installation on a
> > vanilla debian linux bookworm, using openJDK 17.0.10
> > It seems to work, but when I try to import a SAML IDP metadata it fails
> with the following error:
> > InvalidEntity: Location must not be null
> > Metadata are ok: using the embedded version built with maven, metadata
> are imported without problems.
> > Clicking on the button to download the SP metadata doesn't do anything
> > And the wa.log (don't know if it can be related) is full of the
> following error:
> >
> org.springframework.scheduling.support.TaskUtils$LoggingErrorHandler -
> Unexpected error occurred in scheduled task
> > java.lang.IllegalStateException: Syncope core is not yet ready
> >
> > I'm not sure, but I remember that the error "Location must not be null"
> was shown during some other operation, different from SAML configuration
> >
> > Any suggestions / help ?
> Hi Marco,
> glad of your interest in Apache Syncope.
> About JDK 17 compatibility, we have an active GitHub actions workflows on
> the 3_0_X branch (supposing you are running the latest stable 3.0.6).
> Moreover, my company is running several Syncope deployments on various
> flavors of OpenJDK 17.
> As far as I understand, all works as expected when you use the standalone
> ZIP but it fails when you deploy Syncope somewhere else.
> As suggested by the Getting Started guide [1], however you should be using
> the Maven archetype for an independent deployment, or the Docker images;
> there are further options, too, but it really depends on how much you are
> planning to customize or extend.
> Can you describe how did you get to deploy Syncope, including which
> components, which DBMS, which Java EE container, ... ?
> Regards.
> [1]
> https://syncope.apache.org/docs/3.0/getting-started.html#obtain-apache-syncope
> --
> Francesco Chicchiriccò
> Tirasa - Open Source Excellence
> http://www.tirasa.net/
> Member at The Apache Software Foundation
> Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail
> http://home.apache.org/~ilgrosso/

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