AFAIK, HS2 uses a pool of AMs and submits query to any free AM. There should be 
configs which control number of free AMs, timeout and so on for the pool used 
by HS2.

On 14-Dec-2016, at 7:54 AM, Stephen Sprague 
<<>> wrote:

interesting.... thank you.   pretty sure they are being submitted through the 
HS2 service.

On Tue, Dec 13, 2016 at 5:21 PM, Harish JP 
<<>> wrote:
Hi Stephen,

How are you starting these jobs, beeline, hive-cli, ...?  It looks like they 
are being started in session mode, which means the AM waits for 5 minutes 
(default value) for a new DAG/query to be submitted, if it does not receive a 
query it will timeout and shutdown. The config for this


On 14-Dec-2016, at 6:13 AM, Stephen Sprague 
<<>> wrote:

hey guys,
gotta slightly weird issue here.   Tez runs great. :)  client completes in a 
short amount time (5 minutes) but - and here's the gotcha -  the tez server 
side process takes upwards of an hour to clear out of the RM.

This is a problem for us since the queue it's in has maxRunning set to 15 and 
these jobs are just squatting holding slots.

The thing is... why?  i'm wondering if it isn't some kind for GC going on but 
sure how to diagnose.  i can logon to a DN and cat stderr but its not 
particularly useful to me but i can pass it along if desired.

Here's a screenshot of the "squatters":


all have one container that the histogram shows 100%. And the client has 
completed an hour ago! that's the part i don't get.

Any other output and/or configs to pass along?  Tez v0.8.4, hive v2.1.0.

Much appreciated,

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