Hi all!
I'm using Tika in Solr. I've written my own parser (extending XMLParser).
It uses my own mimetype.
I've created jar file which inside looks like this:
                |-org.apache.tika.parser.Parser (which contains

In custom-mimetypes I put the definition of new mimetype becouse my xml
files have some special tags.

Now where is the problem: I've been testing parsing and indexing with Solr
on glassfish installed on my local machine. It worked just fine. Then I
wanted to install it on some remote server. There is the same version of
glassfish installed (3.1.1). I've copied-pasted Solr application, it's home
directory with all libraries (including tika jars and the jar with my
custom parser). Unfortunately it doesn't work. After posting files to Solr
I can see in content-type field that it detected my custom mime type. But
there are no fields that suppose to be there like MyParser was never
runned. The only fields I get are the ones from Dublin Core. I've checked
(by simply adding some printlines) that Tika is only using XMLParser.
Have anyone had similar problem? How to handle this?

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