Hi ,
       I am currently indexing individual outlook messages and searching is
working fine.
I have created solr core using following command.
 ./solr create -c sreenimsg1 -d data_driven_schema_configs

I am using following command to index individual messages.
curl  "
-F "myfile=@/home/ec2-user/msg9.msg"

This setup is working fine.

But new requirement is extract messages using outlook pst file.
I tried following command to extract messages from outlook pst file.

curl  "
-F "myfile=@/home/ec2-user/sateamc_0006.pst"

This command extracting only high level tags and extracting all messages
into one message. I am not getting all tags when extracted individual
messgaes. is above command is correct? is it problem not using recursion?
 how to add recursion to above command ? is it tika library problem?

Please help to solve above problem.

Advanced Thanks.
--sreenivasa kallu

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