You can reuse AutoDetectParser in a multithreaded environment.  You shouldn’t 
have problems with performance or thread safety.

If you find otherwise, please let us know! ☺

From: Haris Osmanagic []
Sent: Friday, September 30, 2016 10:36 AM
Subject: Is creating new AutoDetectParsers expensive?

Hi all!
Let's assume there are really many files to be parsed, and the operation is 
repeated a relatively large number of times each day.
Is it, in that case, too expensive to create new AutoDetectParsers for every 
file? Or, in other words, if I were to reuse a AutoDetectParser for a large 
number of files, would I:
* Have problems with thread-safety?
* Have problems with performance?
Thanks you very much!
Haris Osmanagić

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