
I’d like to undestand why I’m experiencing the following behavior and if it’s 
expected (as I was not expecting it to work like that). But basically when 
parsing files whose access time is <= to its change time it will update the 
Access time after processing the file.

Here is how I was able to reproduce the issue:

OS: Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS x64
Maven: 3.6.3
OpenJDK: 17.0.4 2022-07-19
Tika: 2.7.0

1.- Create text file
echo "Single file with text" > file.txt

2.- Check file.txt access time
              stat file.txt


3.- Run java test app and specify file.txt as argument
               java -cp target/tika-example-1.0.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar 
TikaExample ~/testing/access/file.txt

[An Ink Drawing]

4.- Check file.txt access time again


5.- Re-run java test app again


6.- Check file.txt access time


As you can see the access time was modified only after parsing the file the 
first time. This behavior was unexpected for me mostly because it only happens 
when Access is <= than Change, so if I re-run the java test app with the same 
file multiple times it will not change Access time anymore (until the file is 

Example was compiled with:
           mvn clean compile assembly:single


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Attachment: TikaExample.java
Description: TikaExample.java

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