Hi Carol,

Thanks for putting together these charts and starting the discussion about
supported versions. Once Trafodion supports Apache Hadoop/HBase, I question
whether there is a reason to continue to support the Cloudera and
HortonWorks distros.



*From:* Carol Pearson [mailto:carol.pearson...@gmail.com]
*Sent:* Thursday, February 4, 2016 4:53 PM
*To:* user@trafodion.incubator.apache.org
*Subject:* Trafodion Release 2.0 Hadoop/HBase Versions?

Hi Trafodion Fans,

I'm trying to make sure I'm clear on the targeted runtime environments for
our next release, which I think we're calling Trafodion 2.0.  I've seen
that it needs to  support working with Apache Hadoop, since the 1.3 release
supported only the  Cloudera and Hadoop distros.

*Trafodion 2.0*

>From what's been discussed on the Dev list and here, I think the target is:

 - Linux Versions CentOS 6.5-6.7 (RHEL 6.5-6.7 - untested? but should

 - SUSE?

 Hadoop/Version            HBase Version


Cloudera CDH 5.4.x                 1.1

Hortonworks HDP 2.3                1.1

Apache Hadoop 2.7.1                1.1

Are these the targets that folks are working on Trafodion 2.0 to support?
Are they the right ones? (For example, should we be looking at Apache
Hadoop 2.6.3?)

Are there other versions of software in the Hadoop ecosystem whose versions
should be specified as targets, especially for distro-less vanilla Apache

I think that once we release, we should identify the specific versions that
folks have tested with (which might not be all versions and all distros).
I think we should also list versions for software that we believe should
work but have not been tested. As I was trying to understand which releases
worked with what, I came across a great chart in the the HBase reference
book in section 4.1:  https://hbase.apache.org/book.html#basic.prerequisites
then scroll down to see the Hadoop versions.  It would be great to develop
that chart for Trafodion as 2.0 goes forward.

Thanks for any light people can shed on this!

-Carol P.

PS:  For reference, here's my understanding of what Trafodion 1.3 supported:

I've put together the following chart based on the notes from the Trafodion
website for release 1.3 and my understanding of Trafodion 2.0:

*Trafodion 1.3: (Current release)*

  - Linux Versions:  CentOS 6.5-6.7, (RHEL 6.5-6.7 - untested? but should

 Hadoop/Version            HBase Version


Cloudera CDH 5.3.x                 0.98

Hortonworks HDP 2.2                0.98


Email:    carol.pearson...@gmail.com

Twitter:  @CarolP222

Atanu Mishra

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