+1. It sounds to me that the installer should default to an end-user mode
where it installs as little as possible and then have a command-line
argument for developer mode installing whatever is needed for debugging?



On Wed, Feb 10, 2016 at 11:05 AM, Amanda Moran <amanda.mo...@esgyn.com>

> THANK YOU MING! And during your holidays too!!! Gung hay fat choy!
> Really appreciate the explanation ( I am sure Gunnar does too!).
> On Wed, Feb 10, 2016 at 5:07 AM, Liu, Ming (Ming) <ming....@esgyn.cn>
> wrote:
>> Hi, all,
>> Very glad we are discussing this. Although I think this is more suitable
>> for the dev mail list J
>> First reply to Amanda’s question ,
>> “hbase-site hbase.regionserver.region.transactional.tlog true “ is no
>> longer need, you can remove it from traf_*modes for sure.
>> I also strongly think “hbase-site hbase.bulkload.staging.dir
>> /hbase-staging” is no longer required, but I cannot make 100% sure of it.
>> Bulkloader expert should confirm it. The only reference seems like a dead
>> code for me, HBulkLoadClient.java line 96.
>> And, I have started a similar discussion for some other traf_*mods
>> changes at Jira 1729/1730..
>> With TRAFODION-1729, there is no need for the Trafodion installer to
>> change this specific hbase-site.xml setting : “hbase-site
>> hbase.coprocessor.region.classes”.
>> But we leave it there in installer, since there are still needs to have
>> hbase-site.xml changed for some developers to easily change them for debug
>> purpose. But I really think no end user ever need to understand it or even
>> config it. And, there are still some serious concerns about this JIRA, so
>> we keep current behavior unchanged until all people are confident about
>> this change. J ( In fact, there is already a problem reported and solved
>> by Dave due to this checkin…, but it is a minor issue comparing the problem
>> it aims to solve), But technically, this item can now be removed from
>> traf_*mod change list, Trafodion is smart enough now to add required
>> coprocessor on the fly , if hbase-site.xml doesn’t have these settings.
>> With TRAFODION-1730, which in fact solved by HBase community
>> (HBASE-15076), it is also possible the installer no longer need to change
>> the “hbase-site hbase.hregion.impl” settings soon. However, That HBase
>> change is merged into HBase R1.2, so until Trafodion can support HBase
>> R1.2, installer still need to change this setting item. And Trafodion DTM
>> code need some change for this as well, which not done yet. For Gunnar’s
>> documentation purpose, i.e. why Trafodion needs to change this item? I have
>> a lengthy explanation at HBASE-15076, don’t want to paste that long text
>> here. https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HBASE-15076?filter=-2
>> So sorry that although we are working on these two jiras, installer must
>> still take care of them for now… And as Amanda listed, there are still more
>> items unknown than known, so I really hope more people can join this
>> discussion and we can finally remove all of them if possible, at least
>> minimize the list.
>> Although a long reply, the only item I came out for sure now is one can
>> remove the “hbase.regionserver.region.transactional.tlog” from traf_*mod
>> scripts...
>> Thanks,
>> Ming
>> *发件人:* Amanda Moran [mailto:amanda.mo...@esgyn.com]
>> *发送时间:* 2016年2月10日 1:43
>> *收件人:* user@trafodion.incubator.apache.org
>> *主题:* Re: traf_*mods in trafodion installation
>> Amanda: it should be possible and desireable to make all these
>> configuration changes in advance. They're totally valid HBase configuration
>> settings that could very-well exist in advance.
>> [Amanda]: I would like to know the smallest number of these that must be
>> set in order for Trafodion to be installer. Are all these settings
>> mandatory for installation/start? This is what I want/need to know. Does a
>> user have to go and set all those settings by hand in advance of
>> installation Trafodion (assuming we 'remove' the traf_*mods scripts)?
>> On Tue, Feb 9, 2016 at 9:32 AM, Gunnar Tapper <tapper.gun...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> Amanda: it should be possible and desireable to make all these
>> configuration changes in advance. They're totally valid HBase configuration
>> settings that could very-well exist in advance.
>> The worse situation is if the Trafodion settings clash with some setting
>> that the customer already has for some other reason. For example, can we
>> really change the staging setting without affecting something else? This is
>> why I am documenting these settings as requirements in the upcoming
>> Provisioning Guide with the reasoning behind the setting.
>> Further, I really recommend that we separate Trafodion installation from
>> configuration changes in the infrastructure to ensure that it's possible to
>> change the configuration changes, test their impact, and THEN install
>> Trafodion. The testing could consist of something as simple as verify the
>> restart worked or as advanced as an application regression test. Very user
>> specific and dependent what else HDFS and HBase is being used for. For
>> example, what's the impact on the rest of the Hadoop environment if turning
>> on HDFS ACLs?
>> Thanks,
>> Gunnar
>> Gunnar
>> On Tue, Feb 9, 2016 at 9:45 AM, Amanda Moran <amanda.mo...@esgyn.com>
>> wrote:
>> I agree with that :) Thanks Qifan!
>> On Tue, Feb 9, 2016 at 8:43 AM, Qifan Chen <qifan.c...@esgyn.com> wrote:
>> Hi Amanda,
>> I know the topic that I brought up is a little bit different :-).
>> But the objectives of both thoughts are pretty much in line with the
>> improvement of install experiences.
>> Thank you.
>> --Qifan
>> On Tue, Feb 9, 2016 at 10:36 AM, Amanda Moran <amanda.mo...@esgyn.com>
>> wrote:
>> Thanks for the response Qifan... but I am not sure we are talking about
>> the same thing.
>> I am talking about the traf_<hadoop distro>_mods98 script that is run as
>> apart of the Trafodion Installation scripts. It is used to setup HBase
>> settings, copy hbase-trx*.jar file, and restart HBase, HDFS, and Zookeeper.
>> I would like to know what are the smallest number of settings that need
>> to be set in advance for Trafodion to install/start.
>> Examples of things set:
>> hbase-site hbase.master.distributed.log.splitting false
>> hbase-site hbase.coprocessor.region.classes
>> "org.apache.hadoop.hbase.coprocessor.transactional.TrxRegionObserver,org.apache.hadoop.hbase.coprocessor.transactional.TrxRegionEndpoint,org.apache.hadoop.hbase.coprocessor.AggregateImplementation"
>> hbase-site hbase.hregion.impl
>> org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.transactional.TransactionalRegion
>> hbase-site hbase.regionserver.region.split.policy
>> org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.ConstantSizeRegionSplitPolicy
>> hbase-site hbase.snapshot.enabled true
>> hbase-site hbase.bulkload.staging.dir /hbase-staging
>> hbase-site hbase.regionserver.region.transactional.tlog true
>> hbase-site hbase.snapshot.master.timeoutMillis 600000
>> hbase-site hbase.snapshot.region.timeout 600000
>> hdfs-site dfs.namenode.acls.enabled true
>> hbase-site hbase.client.scanner.timeout.period 600000
>> Thanks all!
>> On Thu, Feb 4, 2016 at 5:40 AM, Qifan Chen <qifan.c...@esgyn.com> wrote:
>> Hi Amanda,
>> I like your idea.
>> On Trafodion's modification of config files for HBase, HDFS, and
>> Zookeeper, I wonder if it is possible to re-difine the port range for an
>> install, without going through all the install steps. This has the
>> practical value that due to port conflict, an install could not start
>> successfully, and one can easily switch to a different port range to retry
>> with this capability.
>> In addition, some of the install steps, such as TPCDS data set
>> generation, and conversion to UTF8, could be made parallel to shorten the
>> install duration. They are done one table at a time in serial mode now.
>> TPCDS table data is generated through the command "dsdgen -scale ..."
>> which could take the option "-parallel".
>> Data conversion to UTF8 is done through the iconv utility.
>> Regards, --Qifan
>> On Wed, Feb 3, 2016 at 10:34 PM, Amanda Moran <amanda.mo...@esgyn.com>
>> wrote:
>> HI there All-
>> The traf_*_mods scripts are used during installation to set HBase, HDFS,
>> and Zookeeper settings needed by Trafodion.
>> The script takes a long time to run (slowing down installation by a lot)
>> because it needs to restart all these services for the changes to be picked
>> up.
>> My question is: What if I wanted to set the settings in advance of
>> running the installer. What would be the absolute minimum set of settings
>> that I need to get installed? I could set other settings later with a
>> script or by hand.
>> Thanks!
>> --
>> Thanks,
>> Amanda Moran
>> --
>> Regards, --Qifan
>> --
>> Thanks,
>> Amanda Moran
>> --
>> Regards, --Qifan
>> --
>> Thanks,
>> Amanda Moran
>> --
>> Thanks,
>> Gunnar
>> *If you think you can you can, if you think you can't you're right.*
>> --
>> Thanks,
>> Amanda Moran
> --
> Thanks,
> Amanda Moran


*If you think you can you can, if you think you can't you're right.*

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